Xenosporium boivinii S. Hughes 1978
Xenosporium boivinii S. Hughes 1978
Colonies thin, effuse, black with crowded conidia whose long axis is finally more-or-less parallel to the substrate. Mycelium superficial, composed of branched, septate, hyaline to very pale brown hyphae 3.5-4.5um wide. Conidiophores erect, simple or bearing one or two branches, straight or flexuous, hyaline to subhyaline, more-or-less cylindrical, 4-7.2um wide sometimes wider above than below, up to 90um long. Conidia develop solitarily and blastically at the apex of conidiophores; at maturity they are ellipsoidal to broadly ellipsoidal, borne obliquely on the conidiophore, and terminating in an obliquely bent hyaline to subhyaline extension which is up to 25um long. They are muriform, commonly with about 17 transverse septa, brown to dark brown to almost black and opaque, with a single outer layer of narrow hyaline cells, 2-4.5um thick, which finally become brown to dark brown. Conidia measure 70-100 X 36-70um and with age the apical extension collapses.
Up to 15 secondary conidia are produced unilaterally on each conidium, at the base, and on the body of the conidium below the apical extension; these are sessile or shortly-stalked, occasionally with a double stalk, spherical. brown, up to 12(-18um) in diameter, composed of an outer cell layer which appears as a textura epidermoidea. Although detached 'secondary conidia' have been seen in preparations, it appears that they secede with difficulty from the conidium that bears them.