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Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957

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Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf., Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales 82 219 (1957)
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
NZ holotype
Vestergrenia leucopogonis
Hab. in foliis Leucopogonis fasciculati, Auckland, New Zealand, Dingley PDD 17246, isotype 75806

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Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957

Leafspots none. Perithecia and pycnidia scattered singly, or rarely 2-aggregate, amphigenous, black, raised, smooth, shining, with minute apical pore. Perithecia sunken in leaf mesophyll, with the upper part adnate to the epidermal clypeus, which is black, parenchymatous and to 30 µ thick; perithecia subglobose, 400-500 µ diam. and about 400 µ high, raised above to 250 µ above leaf surface; wall thin, pale brownish outside, composed of elongate cells 10-20 x 5-7 µ, lined by an inner layer of compressed hyaline parenchyma, appearing concentrically fibrous. Young perithecia are filled with erect, hyaline, septate hyphae convergent towards the apex, the lateral hyphae connected to the perithecial wall above and below, the inner hyphae free above, composed of cells 10-15 x 3-4 µ, thin-walled. The apical pore has a thin lining of these same hyphae, not protruding from the apex, which pierces the epidermal clypeus. Asci basal, growing up between the hyphae of the centrum, clavulate-ellipsoid, rounded and thickened to 10 µ at the apex when young and to 5 µ around the sides, subsessile, 8-spored, bitunicate, aparaphysate, up to 95 x 24 µ. Spores 2-3-seriate, hyaline, continuous, ellipsoid with rounded obtuse ends, smooth, 24-26 x 9-13 µ, contents finely granular. Pycnidia similar to the perithecia but smaller, to 270 µ diam. and high; the outermost wall layer olivaceous, parenchymatous, with 2-3 layers of compressed hyaline parenchyma inside, the innermost layer bearing crowded conidiophores. Conidiophores simple, straight, 0-1-septate, hyaline, 16-20 x 3-5 µ, forming single, terminal conidia. Conidia hyaline, globose to wide ovate, thin-walled, smooth, continuous, 11-13 µ diam.
Perithecia et pycnidia amphigena, laxe dispersa, singula vel raro 2-aggregata, atra, elevata, levia, nitentia, immersa; perithecia globosa, 400-500 µ diam., circa 400 µ alt., sursum ad 250 µ elevata et clypeo epidermale, atro, parenchymatico, usque ad 30 µ crasso adnata; paries perithecii tenuus, dilute brunneus, cellulis 10-20 x 5-7 µ, interne concentrice fibrosus, hyalinus, poro apicali pertusus. Asci basali, clavulato-ellipsoidei, apice rotundati et incrassati usque ad 10 µ, subsessili, bitunicati, 8-spori, usque ad 95 x 24 µ, aparaphysati. Sporae hyalinae, continuae, ellipsoideae, obtusae, leves, 24-26 x 9-13 µ, in asco 2-3-seriatae. Pycnidia perithecia consimilia, usque ad 270 µ diam. et alt.; paries 2-3-stratosus, extus brunneus, intus parenchymaticus, hyalinus. Conidiophora recta, simplicia, 0-1 septata, hyalina, 16-20 x 3-5 µ. Conidia singula, terminalia, hyalina, globosa vel late ovata, levia, continua, 11-13 µ diam.
The whole of the mesophyll parenchyma of the leaf. is penetrated by branched, septate, hyaline, intercellular hyphae, which form individual, hemispheric, coralloid-branched haustoria, up to 20 µ diam. in the host cells.
Hab. in foliis Leucopogonis fasciculati, Auckland, New Zealand, Dingley in DSIR 17246.

Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] smallish, round, dark walled (at least the upper wall is dark, do not know about lower walls), partly erumpent ascomata embdded in ?dead ?living leaf. No obvious lesion or spot, apart from the dark fruiting body itself.

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Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. (1957)
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. (1957)
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. (1957)
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. (1957)

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Vestergrenia leucopogonis Hansf. 1957
[Not available]

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Hab. in foliis Leucopogonis fasciculati, Auckland, New Zealand, Dingley PDD 17246, isotype 75806

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scientific name
29 September 2003
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