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Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942

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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942
NZ holotype
Octaviania redolens
[New Zealand], Auckland, Te Aroha, 100 m., G.H.C.,Cunningham 10141, holotype K(M), Isotype PDD 10141, DAOM 116188, BPI 737104

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Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942

Plants subglobose or tuberiform, white or cream coloured; becoming pallid ochraceous, 0.5-2.5 cm. diameter. Peridium exteriorly slightly tomentose, finely wrinkled or smooth, to 450 µ thick, composed of a single layer of hyaline, woven, non-gelatinized hyphae. Gleba pallid ochraceous, cells compressed, two or more to millimetre, empty; sterile base absent; tramal plates 75 x 100 µ thick, of woven hyphae, not gelatinized, fragile, scissile, especially at the gussets; basidia one-spored. Spores globose or subglobose, 14-22 µ diameter (including spines), apedicellate, epispore hyaline, 2 µ thick, closely covered with narrowly wedge-shaped spines, acuminately pointed, basally often merging and giving to the spore a reticulated appearance, to 4.5 µ long and hyaline.
Figura subglobosa. vel tuberiformis, alba vel cremes, demum pallide- ochracea, 0.5-2.5 mm. diam. Peridium leviter tomentosum, ad 450 µ crassum, hyphis hyalinis testis. Gleba pallide ochracea, cellulis compressis, 0.3-0.5 mm. diam. Tramarum laminae 75-100 % crassum, hyphis testis, scissiles ; basidium 1-sporam gerens. Sporae globose vel subglobosae, 14-22 µ diam (cum spinulis) ; episporium hyalinum, 2 µ crassum, dense echinulatum, spinulis hyalinis ad 4.5 µ longis.
When freshly collected the species had a pleasant fragrant smell resembling dried apricots. It is separated from others of the genus present in New Zealand by the single woven layer of the peridium, monosporous basidia and large spores with thick epispore and strongly developed echinulations. Specimens were collected among debris on the forest floor adjoining tracks in rain forest at the base of Mt. Te Aroha.
Distribution: Auckland, Te Aroha, 100 m., G.H.C., type collection.

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Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. (1942)
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. (1942)
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. (1942)
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn.
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn. 1942
Octaviania redolens G. Cunn.

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[New Zealand], Auckland, Te Aroha, 100 m., G.H.C.,Cunningham 10141, holotype K(M), Isotype PDD 10141, DAOM 116188, BPI 737104

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scientific name
1 January 2000
17 November 2017
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