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Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981

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Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 76 84 (1981)
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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P.M. Kirk
P.M. Kirk
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981
Trichocladium macrosporum

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Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981

(1, 2) on Cyathodes fasciculata Auckland Prov., (1) Orere, 24.IX. 1963, S.J.H. PDD 21555 (DAOM 96249b); (2) Scenic Drive, near Titirangi, 6.11.1963, S J.H., DAOM 94127b; (3) on Elaeocarpus dentatus, Auckland Prov., Home Track, Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, 9.X. 1963, S J.H., DAOM 109523; (4-9) onRipogonwn scandens, (4-7) Auckland Prov., (4) Cossy's Creek Dam, Hunua 12.11. 1963, S J.H., DAOM 109405a; (5) Kauaeranga Valley, Thames, 4.1X.1963, J. M. Dingley, DAOM 109521b; (6) Whangapoua Saddle, Coromandel Peninsula 5.1X.1963 S.J.H. DAOM 96252b; (7) Summit of Whitianga Road, Coromandel Peninsula (300 m), 21.VIII.1963. S.J.H. DAOM 109512b; (8-9) Westland, Little Wanganui River, Harihari, 6.VI.1963,(8) J.M.D., DAOM 93845e; (9) SJ.H., DAOM 93836c; (10-13) on unidentified rotten wood, Auckland Prov.; (10) Cornwallis, 29.VIII.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 109528; (11-12) Waitakere Range, Rangemore Track, Waiatarua, 15.11.1963, S.J.H., DAOM 93566e, PDD 36104 (DAOM 109561b);(1 3) Anawhata Road, Waitakere Range, (300 m), 3.X. 1963; J.M.D., DAOM 109524
Colonies effuse, black, thin, and granular. Mycelium immersed, composed of smooth, septate, branched, pale olivaceous to pale brown hyphae 1.8-3.6 (-5.0) um wide. Condiophores micronematous, mononematous, simple, straight or more usually flexuous or even partly coiled, 3.0-3.6 um wide, up to 25 um long, arising singly or in groups of 2 to 4 from loose knots of immersed hyphae. Conidiogenous cells monoblastic, terminal, determinate, up to 12.5 um long. Conidia variable in shape and size, subcylindrical to ovoid to ellipsoidal to obpyriform, straight or curved, occasionally S-shaped, dark brown to black, brown to pale brown toward the apex, brown at the base, heavily and coarsely verrucose, rounded at the apex, with the basal cell conico-truncate and often less roughened with the place of attachment basal to lateral. Conidia are up to 35(-48) septate with the septa 2 to 9 um apart and often difficult to observe, 45-185(-200) um long and 18.0-25.5 um wide. Secession is apparently rhexolytic and irregular.
On rotten wood and decorticated branches

Trichocladium macrosporum was described originally on dead wood from Devon, England. During my sojourn in New Zealand in 1963 I found the large conidia of the then undescribed fungus firequently on dead wood of various plants, particularly of Ripogonum scandens, but seldom in such numbers to provide adequate herbarium specimens. The transversely multiseptate conidia of T. macrosporum are massive compared with those of the type species, T. asperum Ham, which are predominantly 1 -septate and smaller, 16-25 X 10-15 um.

The roughness of the wall of conidia of T. macrosporum arises from small blister-like inflations of an outer wall layer as found in T. asperum (Hughes 1952), but in the former the inflations are soon torn so that the conidium surface appears irregularly coarse.

Conidia of T. macrosporum, and those of T. novae-zelandiae Hughes(1969), lack the germ pores which are characteristic of the conidia of T. asperum, T. canadense Hughes, and T. pyriforme Dixon.

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Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk (1981)
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk (1981)
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk (1981)
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981
Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk (1981)

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Trichocladium macrosporum P.M. Kirk 1981
New Zealand

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21 December 1992
6 March 2003
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