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Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert 1978

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Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert in Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 16 350 (1978)
Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert 1978

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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S. Hughes & Hennebert
S. Hughes & Hennebert
Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert 1978
NZ holotype
Sporoschismopsis dingleyae
on Elaeocarpus denlatus, Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, [New Zealand], 9.X.1963, J.M.D., holotype PDD 21602, isotype DAOM 93576

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Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert 1978

On rotten wood, Auckland Prov., (1) Beilschmiedia tarairi, Kirk's Bush, Papakura, 13.1.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 93563; (2) Elaeocarpus Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range 9.X.1963, J.M.D., PDD 21602 (type) (DAOM 93576).

Colonies effuse, irregular, black, hairy to velutinous thin or dense. Mycelium immersed, composed of subhyaline to brown, branched, septate hyphae 3-5um wide, densely aggregated around the base of the conidiophores in the form of a small, dark stroma up to 30um wide. Conidiophores occurring singly but usually in tufts of up to 3, erect, straight or flexuous, cylindrical. 100-230gm long, 5-7um wide, thick-walled, smooth, brown, up to 7-septate, with the cells 15-25um long. terminating in a single phialide.

Phialide robust, brown, 25-50um long and composed of a cylindrical venter, 5-6µm wide and a terminal slightly inflated light brown collarette, 18-20 X 10-13um; after the production of a succession of conidia the phialide may proliferate percurrently to produce successively a series of up to 6 phialides, the conidiophore then reaching a total length of up to 1000um

Phialoconidia clavate, bluntly rounded at the apex truncate at the base, 18-27 x 9-11µm, brown to dark brown, thick-walled, 3-septate, each septum obscured by a darker band in the outer wall. often persisting in chains of 10 to 15 conidia or gliding on each other into a mass at the tip or along the side of the phialide.

Habitat in ligno putrido Beilschmiediae tarairi et Elaeocarpi dentati, Nova Zelandia,
Coloniae effusae, irregulares, atrae. Mycelium ex hyphis subhyalinis vel brunneis, ramosis, septatis, 3-5um lat. compositum. Conidiophora solitaria vel plerumque ad 3 aggregata, e stromate parvo, ad 30gm lat., nata, erecta, recta vel flexuosa, cylindrica, 100-230gm longa, in medio 5-7um lat., crassiparietalia, laevia, brunnea, ad 7-septata, cellulis 15-25um longis, phialide singula terminata: phialis apicalis cylindrica 25-50um longa, strophio infundibuliformi 18-20 X 10-13um coronata, late in phialidibus (ad 6) novis prolificans. Conidiophora proliferata usque ad 1000um longa. Conidia clavata, apice rotundata Yet obtuse rotundata, basi truncata, 19-27 x 9-10.8um, 3-septata, agglutinata vel catenulata, catenulis usque c 10-15 conidiis compositis
The genus Sporoschmismopsis Holuibova-Jechova et Hennebert (1972) was published with S. moravica as type species. This genus differs from Catenularia in its septate conidia and by the absence of capitate hyphae, and from Sporoschisma by the absence of capitate hyphae and the short collarette. Sporoschismopsis moravica has 3- to 7-, mostly 5-septate conidia which measure (24-)25-38(-43) X (6.5-)8.5-11.2um. A second species, S. simmonsii (Morgan-Jones) Hol.Jech. et Henneb. (op. cit.) = Catenularia simmonsii Morgan-Jones (1972)), has 3-septate conidia which measure (14.4-)16.2-21.6(-24.3) X 7-8.4um in a preparation from the isotype (DAOM 110220); the conidia are smaller than those of Sporoschmismopsis dingleyae.
Holotypus in ligno putrido Elaeocarpi dentati, Nova Zelandia, Auckland Prov., Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, 9.X.1963, J.M. Dingley, PDD 21602 (DAOM 93576).

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Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert 1978
Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert (1978)
Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert 1978
Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert (1978)
Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert 1978
Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert (1978)

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Sporoschismopsis dingleyae S. Hughes & Hennebert 1978
New Zealand

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on Elaeocarpus denlatus, Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, [New Zealand], 9.X.1963, J.M.D., holotype PDD 21602, isotype DAOM 93576

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19 August 1997
15 December 2003
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