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Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988

Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden, Mycotaxon 31 20 (1988)
P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
NZ holotype
Schizopora nothofagi
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
This characteristic species belongs in Schizopora Velen. emend. Donk and is readily separated from the widespread S. paradoxa (Schrad.: Fr.) Donk by its cylindrical to suballantoid spores and distinctly monomitic hyphal system. Otherwise, the two species have in common hyaline cystidioles, bulbous hyphal ends, clamped, Hyphodontia-like hyphae, and coarse encrustation of hyphae in the dissepiments. Spores of S. nothofagi measure 6-8(-10) x 2-3 µm, which is larger than the measurements given by Cunningham (1965) of 5-6.5 x 1.5-2 µm.
Holotype: PDD 5275 - New Zealand, Taupo, Mt Tongariro, Waihohonu River, Jan. 1947, J.D. Atkinson, on Nothofagus solandri (Hook. f.) Oerst. var. cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Poole.
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
CULTURES STUDIED: New Zealand, South Island, North Canterbury, Arthur's Pass National Park, Old Coach Rd, on fallen branch of Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides, M. Rajchenberg 10054, 5.V.89, BAFC/cc 521; ibid., M. Rajchenberg 10057. (Basidiomes at BAFC.)
MACROSCOPIC CHARACTERS (Fig. 7): Growth very slow, 4.1-4.5 cm in 6 weeks. Margin regular and subfelty. Mat poorly developed, pale cream, homogeneously subfelty or pubescent with slightly raised mycelium. Around the inoculum denser, white, and with inconspicuous radial stripes. Reverse bleaching. Odour none.
OXIDASE REACTIONS: gallic acid: +++, 0 cm; tannic acid: +, 0 cm; tyrosinase: +++, 0 cm
MICROSCOPIC CHARACTERS (Fig. 8): Generative hyphae with hemispheric clamps, hyaline, slightly thickened walls, 3-5 µm diam., branched, also with short digitiform lateral branches 1-1.2 µm diam. Drepanocysts present from the 4th week onwards. Allocysts are formed in the mat around the inoculum.
SEXUALITY: Tetrapolar. Ten single spore cultures were confronted with each other and were distributed as follows: BAFC 521: A1B1: 1, 4, 8, 10; A2B2: 9; A1B2: 2, 6; A2B2: 3, 5, 7; MR 10057: A1B1: 1, 10; A2B2: 9, 8; A1B2: 3, 5, 7; A2B1: 6, 11
CODE: 2.3c.7.26.31 b.
OXIDASE REACTIONS: gallic acid: +++, 0 cm; tannic acid: +, 0 cm; tyrosinase: +++, 0 cm
MICROSCOPIC CHARACTERS (Fig. 8): Generative hyphae with hemispheric clamps, hyaline, slightly thickened walls, 3-5 µm diam., branched, also with short digitiform lateral branches 1-1.2 µm diam. Drepanocysts present from the 4th week onwards. Allocysts are formed in the mat around the inoculum.
SEXUALITY: Tetrapolar. Ten single spore cultures were confronted with each other and were distributed as follows: BAFC 521: A1B1: 1, 4, 8, 10; A2B2: 9; A1B2: 2, 6; A2B2: 3, 5, 7; MR 10057: A1B1: 1, 10; A2B2: 9, 8; A1B2: 3, 5, 7; A2B1: 6, 11
CODE: 2.3c.7.26.31 b.
REMARKS: The formation of drepanocysts in culture stresses once again the close relationship between the polyporoid Schizopora and the corticioid Hyphodontia . Erikss. (Donk 1967; Hassan Kassim & David 1983; Eriksson et al. 1984; Gilbertson & Ryvarden 1987).
Taxonomic concepts
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
Schizopora nothofagi (G. Cunn.) P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden (1988)
Global name resources
taxonomic status
choice of placement in Hyphodontia, Schizopora, Xylodon awaits convincing molecular support.
scientific name
17 April 1996
5 March 2019