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Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837

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Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
Septosporium bulbotrichum
Type Germany

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Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837

On (dead wood and bark, 1-3) Coprosma australis, ( 1 ) Westland, Swamp Forest. Harihari 7.IV.1963, PDD 20771 (DAOM 109872); (2.3) Auckland Prov., Kakamatua Stream. Huia.29.VII.1963, (2) J.M.D., PDD 21410 (DAOM 109889); (3) DAOM 96046; (4) Coprosma tenuifo lia, Wellington Prey., Tongariro National Park, Ohikune, 6.III.1963, J.M.D., DAOM l09866; (5) Coprosma sp., Westland, Little Wanganui River. Hirihari, 6.IV.1963, DAOM 109877; (6,7) Dacrydium cupressinum Westland, (6) Lower Poerua River, Harihari. 5.1V.1963, PDD 20853 (DAOM 109256); (7) lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, J.M.D., PDD 20751 (DAOM 109869); (8) Elaeocarpus hookerianus, Westland, Swamp Forest, Harihari, 7.IV.1963. PDD 20768 (DAOM 109875); (9.10) Griselinia Westland, (9) Granville Forest, Orwell Creek. Ahaura, 3.IV.1963, DAOM 96289; (10) Swamp Forest, Harihari, 7.IV.1963, J.M.D., DAOM 109871: (11) Leptospermum scoparium, Auckland Prov., Upper Piha Valley, Waitakere Range, 2.V.1963, DAOM 109886; (12-16) Nothofagus truncata Westland, Granville Forest, (12-14) Mt Elliott, Ahaura, 2.1V.1963, DAOM 97306, 93818, 109884; (15,16) Orwell Creek, Ahaura, 3.1V.1963, PDD 20858 (DAOM 109883), DA0N4 109882; (17-19) Pseudopanax crassifolius, Westland, (17) Granville Forest, Orwell Creek, Ahaura, 2.1V.1963, DAOM 109623; (18,19) Swamp Forest, Harihari, 7.IV.1963, PDD 20770 (DAOM 109874), DAOM 109870; (20) Ripogonum scandens, Auckland Prov., Cascade Kauri Park, Swanson, 8.1.1963, DAOM 109864;Weinmannia racemosa, Westland, (21-23) Lower Poerua River, Harihari, 5.IV.1963, (21,22) PDD 20852 (DAOM 109885), PDD 20760 ( DAOM 109366); (23) J.M.D., PDD 20855 DAOM 109880); (24) Lake lanthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 20732 (DAOM 109680); (25-28) unidentified host, (25) Auckland Prov., Pureora, 21.111 . 963. DAOM 109865; (26-28) Westland, (26) Lake lanthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, PDD 20735 (DAOM 109868); (27,28) Lower Poerua River, Harihari. 5.IV.1963, PDD 20758 (DAOM 109879), DAOM 109881
Conidia 30-90(-110) x 16-41 um. They may bear 1 to 6, one-celled, more-or-less flask-shaped structures, up to 12.5um wide. each with one or rarely two necks: these pycnidia- can develop whilethe conidium initial is still young and only slightly pigmented but the flask-shaped structures soon become coloured, the neck being dark brown to black and thicker-walled than the venter. Ellis ( 1961 ) found that these produce subspherical, pale brown pycnidiospores which are 2-3 um diam. Occasionally two contiguous cells of a conidium can unite to form a pycnidium with a common neck; the fusion of necks produced on the same conidium or of necks, from different conidia has been seen. These pycnidium-like structures are presumably phialides.

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Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda (1837)
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda (1837)
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda (1837)
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda (1837)

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Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
New Zealand
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
New Zealand
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
New Zealand
Septosporium bulbotrichum Corda 1837
New Zealand

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Type Germany

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scientific name
15 December 1992
10 May 2011
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