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Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858

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Pythium monospermum Pringsh., Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 1 288 (1858)
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858

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New Zealand
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Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum

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Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858

Type: Radicicolous Fungi; Description: Colonies on corn meal agar showing a radiate pattern, main hyphae up to 7 μm wide. Sporangia always filamentous, branched or unbranched, not inflated. Oogonia terminal or intercalary, globose, 14–16 μm in diameter, smooth. Antheridia 1–2 per oogonium, monoclinous and diclinous. Oospores plerotic.
Distribution: Auckland.; 1st Record: Robertson (1973a).
Significance: None. Very occasionally isolated from roots (Robertson 1973a).; Host(s): Juniperus chinensis, Prunus tomentosa.

Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858

Campbell Island: VOUCHER SPECIMEN: LE 222000. COLLECTION SITE: Stream 4.
DESCRIPTION: Hyphae 1.5-7 µm in diam. Sporangia elongated, often branched, 80-170 µm in diam., germinate producing zoospores. Cysts 5-8 µm in diam. Oogonia terminal, intercalary, lateral, spherical, 14-24 µm in diam., smooth-walled. Antheridia monoclinal or diclinal, 1-2 per oogonium, antheridial cell club-shaped, attached to the oogonium by its apex. Oospore pleurotic with a smooth wall, 1-2 µm thick.
COMMENTS: This species commonly occurs as a saprotroph on plant and animal debris in freshwater habitats and also can be found in soil. It has been recorded as a parasite of fish, reptiles and their eggs, aquatic insects, and other invertebrates. Pythium monospermum has been recorded from Europe, Asia, North America, and Australia.

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Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. (1858)
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. (1858)
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. (1858)
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. (1858)
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. (1858)
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. (1858)
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. (1858)
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
Pythium monospermum Pringsh. (1858)

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Pythium monospermum Pringsh. 1858
New Zealand

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scientific name
3 March 2000
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