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Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930

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Pythium acanthicum Drechsler, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 20 408 (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930

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New Zealand
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Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum

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Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930

Type: Radicicolous Fungi; Description: Colonies on corn meal agar submerged, no aerial mycelium, main hyphae up to 5 sm wide. Sporangia intercalary and occasionally terminal, globose, 10–30 μm in diameter, or ellipsoidal to limoniform, then 10–37 × 5–26 μm. Oogonia terminal or intercalary, globose to subglobose, 12–21 μm in diameter, wall echinulate with conical, blunt spines, 2–7 μm long. Antheridia one, occasionally two per oogonium, typically monoclinous, antheridial stalk arising some distance from the oogonium. Oospores plerotic, 11–20 μm in diameter.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Wanganui, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa, Mid Canterbury, South Canterbury, Dunedin.; 1st Record: Robertson (1973a).
Significance: None. Infrequently isolated from diseased roots (Robertson 1973a). Reported as slightly pathogenic to roots of vegetable seedlings (Robertson 1976).; Host(s): Cryptomeria japonica, Hebe sp., Juniperus chinensis.

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Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler (1930)

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Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
New Zealand
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
New Zealand
Pythium acanthicum Drechsler 1930
New Zealand

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scientific name
3 March 2000
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