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Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988

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Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie, New Zealand J. Bot. 26 99 (1988)
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988

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New Zealand
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Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
Puccinia freycinetiae

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Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988

Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Uredinia cinnamon brown, 0.75 mm long; mainly on the lower surfaces of leaves. Urediniospores globose to broadly elliptical, 25–40 × 22–27 μm, echinulate, golden to cinnamon brown. Telia similar to and arising from the same sori as the uredinia, blackish brown. Teliospores elongate-oblong to subclavate, 1-septate, 32–50 × 15–21 μm, smooth, golden brown; pedicel persistent.
Distribution: Taranaki.; 1st Record: McKenzie (1988).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Freycinetia baueriana subsp. banksii.

Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988

Aecia not known. Uredinia amphigenous, mainly on lower (abaxial) surface, cinnamon-brown, pulverulent, 0.75 mm long. Urediniospores (25-) 27-33 (-40) x 22-25 (-27) µm, globose or broadly ellipsoidal, wall 2.5-3 µm thick, golden to cinnamon-brown, echinulate, germ pores 2-3, equatorial, with inconspicuous caps. Telia similar to and arising from the same sori as the uredinia, blackish-brown. Teliospores (32-) 36-45 (-50) x (15-) 17-20 (-21) µm, constricted at septum, wall 0.5-1 µm thick at sides, 4-8 (-10) µm at apex, smooth, golden-brown apically, paler basally, upper cell subglobose or ellipsoidal, lower cell obovoid or ellipsoidal; pedicels up to 25 x 5-7 (-12) µm, persistent, pale brown.
Aeciis ignotis. Urediniis plerumque hypophyllis (abaxialibus), cinnamomeo-brunneis, pulverulentibus, 0.75 mm longis. Urediniosporae (25-) 27-33 (-40) x 22-25 (-27) µm, globosae vel late ellipsoideae, membrana 2.5-3 µm crassa, aureo- vel cinnamomeobrunnea, echinulata, poris germinationis 2-3, aequatorialibus, cuticula subplana munitis. Teliis urediniis similibus, ex ipsis soris orientibus, nigro-brunneis. Teliosporae (32-) 36-45 (-50) x (15-) 17-20 (-21) µm, ad septum constrictee, membrana ad latera 0.5-1 µm, ad apicem 4-8 (-10) µm crassae, leves, apicaliter aureo-brunneae, basaliter pallidae, cellula apicali subglobosa vel ellipsoidea, cellula basali obovoidea vel ellipsoidea; pedicello usque ad 25 x 5-7 (-12) µm, persistente, pallide brunneo.
In foliis pandanaceae speciei Freycinetia baueriana Endlicher ssp. banksii (A. Cunn.) B.C. Stone.
Although the host is common and widespread in New Zealand, the rust is known from only the one specimen.
The type specimen of Uredo freycinetiae, for which only uredinia were described, was examined and found to differ from Puccinia freycinetiae, particularly in morphology of the uredinia. The hypophyllous uredinia of U. freycinetiae are very small (c. 100-160 µm diam) and grouped on a slightly discoloured area of the leaf. The uredinia are subepidermal, pycnidioid, with a 25-40 µm wide ostiole. The hyaline urediniospores are 25-29 x 23-27 µm, globose or broadly ellipsoidal, coarsely echinulate, with a wall 1.5-2.5 µm thick, and lack obvious germ pores.
P. freycinetiae is distinct from U. freycinetiae. The uredinium of U. freycinetiae is typical of some Phakopsora spp.
On Freycinetia baueriana Endlicher ssp. banksii (A. Cunn.) B.C. Stone. Taranaki, Oakura, March 1983, P.J. Garnock-Jones (PDD 43835) [Holotype].

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Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie (1988)
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie (1988)
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie (1988)
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie (1988)
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie (1988)
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie (1988)

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Puccinia freycinetiae McKenzie 1988
New Zealand

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26 March 1993
9 January 2003
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