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Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991

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Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala in Guzmán et al., Mycol Res 95 507 (1991)
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991

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New Zealand
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Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala
Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala
as 'aucklandii'
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
NZ holotype
Psilocybe aucklandiae
New Zealand, 25 km north of Auckland, Wood Hill State Park, June 1989, C. C. King, holotype PDD 57236, XAL isotype

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Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991

New Zealand. AUCKLAND: Woodhill State Forest, on ground in litter of mixed Pinus-native forest, C. C. King, Jun 1989, PDD 57236 (holotype); Waitakere Ranges, Sharps Bush, in litter under Leptospermum and Dacrydium, P. R. Johnston, 11 Jun 1982, PDD 43043; Waitakere Ranges, Atkinson Park, Titirangi Beach, on soil under Leptospermum, G. M. Taylor, 9 May 1979, PDD 49789; Waitakere Ranges, Piha Valley, Quarry Track, on litter, B. P. Segedin 2219, 4 Apr 1989, PDD 58423; Orere, on ground, ./. M. Dingley, 23 May 1973, PDD 34593; Hunua Ranges, Mangatangi Valley, on rotten wood, J. M. Dingley & S. Haydon, 19 Jun 1974, PDD 34594.
Pileus 15-55 mm diam., broad-conic, expanding to broadly umbonate to more or less flattened, with edges becoming slightly upturned and often splitting; dry; lacking veil remnants; dark brown to yellow-brown, striate to edge, hygrophanous, drying to pale yellow-brown to straw-coloured; staining greenish-blue with damage or age; flesh white. Gills adnate, greyish yellow-brown with conspicuous narrow pale margin. Stipe 35-100 x 1.5-5 mm, cylindric, finely pruinose toward top, silky-fibrillose toward base, whitish; staining greenish-blue with damage; flesh brownish. Veil cortinoid, poorly developed, disappearing as caps mature. Basidia 20-28 x 4.5-6 µm, cylindric, 4-spored, clamped. Cheilocystidia 15-32 x 4-8 µm, ventricose-rostrate, with long, tapering, flexuous and sometimes bifurcate neck up to 12µm long, hyaline, thin-walled. Pleurocystidia 13-19 x 4.5-6 µm, scattered, similar in shape to cheilocystidia but with shorter neck, up to 4.5 µm long. Spores (6.5-)7-9.5 x 4-5.5 x 3.5-4.5 µm, average 8.1 x 4.9 x 4.3 µm, in face view ovate, in side view elliptic-ovate; wall brown, smooth, about 0.5 µm thick, with apical pore.
New Zealand: Auckland.
On soil and litter beneath Leptospermum and Dacrydium, and in pine plantations.
This species has been found only in the Auckland region, where it appears to be quite common on soil and litter in native forest and in pine plantations. As noted by Guzman et al. (1991), P. aucklandii is very similar to P. zapotecorum R. Heim emend. Guzman, which is common in Mexico and known from South America. The two species are barely distinguishable microscopically, although comparison with published descriptions (Guzman 1983) show that P. aucklandii may have slightly narrower pleurocystidia and slightly wider spores. Published illustrations of P. zapotecorum (Guzman 1983) appear to show that P. aucklandii is a less robust species.

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Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala (1991)
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala (1991)
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala (1991)
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala (1991)
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala (1991)
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991

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Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
New Zealand
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Psilocybe aucklandiae Guzmán, C.C. King & Bandala 1991
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Predominantly collections from distrubed habitats. Phylogeneticaly close to/same as P. papuana in a broad P. zapotecorum clade. Potentially a Melanesian introduction [JAC]
New Zealand, 25 km north of Auckland, Wood Hill State Park, June 1989, C. C. King, holotype PDD 57236, XAL isotype

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1 January 2001
15 December 2003
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