Propolis quadrifida (Lév.) Mont. 1854

Propolis quadrifida (Lév.) Mont. 1854
New Zealand: NORTHLAND: Omahuta S.F., on Agathis australis, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, 14.IV.1982 (PDD 44690). BULLER: Buller Gorge, 11 km S. of Murchison, Fern Flat Rd, on Weinmannia racemosa, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, 16.IV. 1983 (PDD 43971).
Central America: CUBA: Cuba Fungi No. 712, Wright 1857 (isotype of Stictis foliicola - FH). PANAMA; Prov. Cocle, vic. La Mesa, on unidentified leaf, K. P. Dumont, S. E. & S. M. Carpenter, S. A. Mori, 14.VI.1975 (NY - PA315).
South America: COLOMBIA: Dpto. Cauca, El Tambo, Vereda Guazabarita, on unidentified leaf, K. P. Dumont, J. H. Haines, J. M. Idrobo, L. F. Velasquez, 15.VII.1974 (NY-CO1405). VENEZUELA: boundary Dpto. Federal and Edo. Miranda, La Silla, on Clusia sp., K. P. Dumont, J. H. Haines, B. Manara, 18.VI.1971 (NY-VE106).
Ascocarps subepidermal. In vertical section the marginal tissue comprising a few layers of hyaline, thin walled hyphae, and a poorly developed layer of periphyses. The periphyses becoming intermixed with crystals, which form a broad, wedge-shaped layer near top of margin. Subhymenium rests directly on disintegrating host tissue.
Paraphyses 1-2 µm diam., undifferentiated to slightly and irregularly swollen near the apices, often with short side branches, intermixed with scattered crystals, not extending beyond asci. Asci 72-101 x 6.5-9.5 µm, cylindric, apex broadly rounded to acute, uniformly thin walled, non-amyloid, , 8-spored. Ascospores 53-72 x 1.8-2.5 µm, not tapering, 0-1 septate, gelatinous sheath present.
CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE: Ascospores of PDD 43971 and PDD 44691 germinated on agar plates. Colonies on oatmeal agar 2-3 cm after 12 weeks; aerial mycelium white to slightly pink, cottony to felted; agar brownish near centre of colony. Remaining sterile.