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Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. 1986

Scientific name record
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Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 24 115 (1986)

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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. 1986
NZ holotype
Propolis dendrobii
New Zealand: STEWART ISLAND: The Neck, Track between Glory Cove and Chew Tobacco Bay, on Dendrobium cunninghamii, P. R. Johnston, H. Donner, 5.V.1984, holotype PDD 45272

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Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. 1986

New Zealand: STEWART ISLAND: The Neck, Track between Glory Cove and Chew Tobacco Bay, on Dendrobium cunninghamii, P. R. Johnston, H. Donner, 5.V.1984 (PDD 45272 - Holotype).
Ascocarps develop on upper and lower surfaces o fallen leaves, within pale brown lesions. Ascocarps round in outline, 0.3-0.5 mm diam. Immature ascocarps have the appearance of small, darkened pustules on the leaf. They open by four radiate slits, with the covering host and fungal tissue folding back to expose the grey, pruinose hymenium.

Ascocarps intraepidermal to subepidermal. In vertical section upper wall up to 50 µm wide, comprising a 20-30 µm wide layer of dark brown, thick walled, hyphal cells, 5-12 µm diam. Inner layer of wall lined by a 10-20 µm wide layer of crystals. A layer of periphyses, 10-15 x 2-3 µm, forms on the inside of the lower part of the wall. Lower wall 15-30 µm wide, similar in structure to the upper wall, with some hyphae extending below the wall layer amongst the host hypodermal cells. Subhymenium 5-8 µm wide, of hyaline, thin walled, more or less globose cells.

Paraphyses 1-2 µm diam., irregularly swollen and branching near the apices, capped by scattered clumps or crystals, not extending beyond asci. Asci cylindric or wider toward the base, narrowing abruptly to a short, basal foot, tapering gradually to the rounded apex, 71-76 X 5.5-6.5 pm (up to 8- 1 0 pm wide near the base), uniformly thin walled, non-amyloid, 8-spored. Ascospores filiform, 51-67 x 1-1.5 µm, 1-septate, with a small swelling (up to 2 µm diam.) above the septum, gelatinous cap at both ends.

Fallen leaves of Dendrobium cunninghammii.
Ascocarpi orbiculati, 0.3-0.5 mm diam., disco grisei. Paraphyses filiformes, 1-2 µm diam.; asci cylindrici, 71-76 x 5.5-6.5 µm; ascosporae 51-67 x 1-1.5 µm, 1-septatae, proximatas septi ad 2 µm incrassata.

ETYMOLOGY: dendrobii; refers to host plant.

NOTES: Distinguished from P. emarginata, the other dark walled Propolis species found in New Zealand, by ascospore shape.

PDD 45272 ex Dendrobium cunninghamii Lindl.

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Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. 1986
Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. (1986)
Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. 1986
Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. (1986)
Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. 1986
Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. (1986)

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Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. 1986
New Zealand
Stewart Island

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New Zealand: STEWART ISLAND: The Neck, Track between Glory Cove and Chew Tobacco Bay, on Dendrobium cunninghamii, P. R. Johnston, H. Donner, 5.V.1984, holotype PDD 45272

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18 October 1993
25 November 2003
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