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Pleurotus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Cleland 1934

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Names_Fungi record source
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Pleurotus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Cleland 1934

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(Berk.) Cleland
Pleurotus hepatotrichus

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Pleurotus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Cleland 1934

The original description of Lentinus hepatotrichus was based on a collection W. Archer 712, 1855, on stringy-bark gum-tree, Ovens rivulet, Tasmania, (Herb. K). Reid (1956), after examining a collection of L. hepatotrichus from mainland Australia (on live trunk of Eucalyptus rudis, Chittering Lakes, Western Australia, J. Gentilli, 7 Jun 1953, Herb. FPSM. 3448), made the combination Lentinellus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Reid, commenting that the species was "originally described from Tasmania on stringy-bark gum-tree" and that L. ursinus "which also occurs in Australia is closely related to L. hepatotrichus but differs in its crowded gills and smaller amyloid spores (3.5-4.5 (5) x 3.5-4 µm instead of "5 - 6 (6.5) x 4-4.5 (5) µm" which he observed in the Gentilli collection. My examination of the holotype of Lentinus hepatotrichus supports the conclusion of Miller & Stewart (1971) that it resembles the small-spored Lentinellus ursinus very closely, making Lentinellus hepatotrichus a superfluous name and leaving unresolved the question or the true identity of the larger-spored Lentinellus hepatotrichus sensu Reid in Australia, and also of Colenso's collection from New Zealand which Berkeley identified as Lentinus hepatotrichus. These collections will be described below.

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Pleurotus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Cleland 1934
Pleurotus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Cleland (1934)
Pleurotus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Cleland 1934
Pleurotus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Cleland (1934)

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Pleurotus hepatotrichus (Berk.) Cleland 1934
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
12 October 2004
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