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Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]

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Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum

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Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Conidiomata pycnidial, scattered, subepidermal becoming erumpent, ovoid, rusty brown to black, ostiolate; on spots on leaves or fruit. Conidia cylindrical or ellipsoid, straight to slightly curved, 5–8 × 2–3 μm, smooth, hyaline.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Wanganui, Wairarapa, Nelson, Mid Canterbury, Central Otago.; 1st Record: Blackmore (1894).
Significance: A common cause of leaf spot and fruit spot of apples and occasionally on leaves of peaches and plums. It is of minor economic importance.; Host(s): Malus ×domestica, Prunus armeniaca, P. avium, P. ×domestica, P. dulcis, P. persica, P. persica var. nucipersica, P. salicina.

Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]

COLONY MORPHOLOGY OA: Colonies 55-75 mm diam. after 7 days. Mycelium: cottony, dense with an uneven, tufted surface, pale to dark olivaceous at centre, white at edge. Reverse; grey or saffron. ME: Colonies 64-70 mm. Mycelium; dense, cottony, even in height; dark, occasionally pale, olivaceous. Reverse; dark olivaceous. CHLAMYDOSPORES: Solitary or in long chains or as dictyochlamydospores. They may take several weeks to appear and the number present varies between isolates. CONIDIA: Uniform in shape, oblong with rounded ends. (4.5-)5.5-8(-11) x 2-3(-4.5) µm.
OCCURRENCE: Plurivorous saprophyte.

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Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. (1879) [1878]

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Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Cook Islands
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
New Zealand
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
New Zealand
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
New Zealand
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
New Zealand
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
New Zealand
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
New Zealand
Phoma pomorum Thüm. 1879 [1878]
United Kingdom

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scientific name
1 January 2001
22 November 2016
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