Phaeotrichosphaeria hymenochaeticola Sivan. 1983

Colonies velutinous, effuse, dark brown to black, Mycelium partly immersed, partly superficial, composed of pale brown to brown, branched, septate hyphae 2-4.5um wide. Conidiophores arising singly or in groups of 2-4. crowded, erect, mostly simple, sometimes branched. straight or flexuous or irregularly subgeniculate, moreor-less cylindrical. septate, 65-130um long, 4.5-4.7µm wide and brown toward the base, 3.5-3.8µm wide and pale brown to subhyaline toward the apex, terminating in a single conidiogenous cell which is abruptly tapered at the end. Finally, the conidiophore proliferates 1-7 times percurrently through the scar left by each successive conidium, or laterally and sympodially, to reach a length of tip to 230um long. Sympodial proliferations are marked usually by geniculations and denticles.
Conidia solitary, blastic at first on the terminal conidiogenous cell and then on each successive percurrent or sympodial proliferation. They are ellipsoidal to narrowly ovoid, smooth or slightly and Irregularly roughened, pale brown to brown, obtuse at the apex, narrowed at the base which bears a conspicuous frill, composed of a substantial portion (up to 3.5µm long) of the apex of the conidiogenous cell. Conidia are sometimes Aseptate, mostly 2-septate and 21-36um long, sometimes up to 6(-7)-septate and up to 38 (-45)um long and 5.4-7.3um wide.
The Hymenochaete in these collections was identified by Dr James H. Ginns. Within the colonies of the Endophragmiella in three of the four collections. is found a pyrenomycete which is very probably the ascigerous state. The perithecia are separate and bear setae which are indistinguishable from conidiophores except for the absence of conidium scars. Asci are unitunicate and the ascospores broadly ellipsoidal . subhyaline to pale brown, finely roughened. and 8-9 x 4.5-5.2um.
Phaeotrichosphaeria hymenochaeticola Sivan. 1983
Phaeotrichosphaeria hymenochaeticola Sivan. 1983
Perithecia superficial, solitary to somewhat crowded, setose, scattered among conidiophores, globose to subglobose, 160-120 µm broad, 190-275 µm high, with a shortly papillate apical ostiole lined on the inside by hyaline, filiform periphyses, sometimes bearing conidiophores amongst its numerous setae. Setae straight or flexuous, erect, brown, cylindrical, septate, simple, up to 300 µm long, 3-4.5 µm wide. The perithecial wall 20-23 µm thick is composed of 7-10 layers, with the outer layer of brown, thick-walled, polygonal cells and an inner layer of more or less compressed, brown to very pale brown, less thick-walled cells. Asci arising from a hymenium at the base, thin-walled cylindrical short-stalked, 8 spored, unitunicate, 40-50 x 3.5-5 µm, evanescent, with a non amyloid apical structure. Ascospores uniseriate to overlapping biseriate, aseptate, ovoid, subhyaline to pale brown, finely echinulate, 8-9 x 3.5-5.5 µm. Paraphyses filiform, hyaline.
Anamorph: Endophragmiella hymenochaeticola S. Hughes, N.Z. J. Bot. 16: 329 (1978).
The conidial state has been fully described and illustrated by Hughes (1978). Conidia mostly 2 septate, sometimes 1 septate, 21-36 µm long or may sometimes become up to 7 septate and measure 38-45 x 5.4-7.3 µm.
The presence of the teleomorph in three collections from New Zealand was first reported by Hughes (1978) who indicated the association of a unitunicatepyrenomycete with E. hymenochaeticola. He illustrated the asci and ascospores and briefly mentioned the ascospore characters.