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Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
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Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon, New Zealand J. Bot. 9 617 (1972 [1971])
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]

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New Zealand
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G.F. Laundon
G.F. Laundon
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
NZ holotype
Periconiella coprosmae

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Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Mycelium both internal and external. Hyphae of internal mycelium smooth, hyaline, 1–2 μm wide, connected with the external mycelium by hyaline hyphae passing through stomata; hyphae of external mycelium pale olivaceous brown, finely verruculose, 1–2 μm wide. Conidiophores single or in small groups, arising from the external mycelium, simple or with 1–2 branches, erect, dark brown, smooth, up to 110 μm long, with numerous conidial scars towards the apex. Conidia cylindrical to elliptic, 0-septate, 5–12 × 1–3 μm, finely verruculose, pale olivaceous brown. Leaf spots as such are not formed, but the external mycelium appears as a darkish colony on the lower surfaces of leaves.
Distribution: Wellington.; 1st Record: Laundon (1972).
Significance: None. The pathogenic status of the fungus is uncertain.; Host(s): Coprosma grandifolia.

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Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon (1972) [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon (1972) [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon (1972) [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon (1972) [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon (1972) [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon (1972) [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon (1972) [1971]

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Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
New Zealand
Periconiella coprosmae G.F. Laundon 1972 [1971]
New Zealand

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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