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Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes 1967

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Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 5 120 (1967)
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes 1967

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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S. Hughes
E.E. Fisher
(E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia

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Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes 1967

Type: Sooty Moulds and Similar Fungi; Description: Subiculum superficial, effuse, up to 10 mm thick, with an irregular lumpy surface or in the form of large, rounded, spongy cushions up to 25 mm across, dark brown to black; on bark. Mycelium composed of brown to dark brown, septate, generally smooth, straight or curved, moniliform hyphae up to 65 μm wide, tapering toward their distal ends. Ascomata stromatic, scattered or in groups, basally immersed, dark brown to black, subglobose, 0.18–0.28 mm in diameter, ostiolate, bearing laterally simple, dark brown to black, moniliform hyphal appendages, up to 80 μm long and 2–9-septate. Asci fasciculate, ellipsoidal to obclavate, 120–200 × 25–45 μm. Ascospores subcylindrical to fusiform, straight or curved, up to 22-septate, very variable in size, 35–190 × 7–15 μm, yellowish brown to dark brown. Capnophialophora synanamorph. Conidia broadly ellipsoidal to subglobose, 0-septate, 1.4 × 1.3 μm, hyaline. Hormiokrypsis synanamorph. Conidia very variable in size and shape but generally staurosporic, composed of an obclavate, straight main axis of 4–9 cells with two septate and tapering arms which arise from the supra-basal cell, basal cell hemispherical, up to 25 rm wide, main axis up to 100 μm long, brown to dark brown.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Coromandel.; 1st Record: Hughes (1967a).
Significance: None; Host(s): Coprosma rhamnoides, Leptospermum scoparium, Phyllocladus trichomanoides.

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Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes 1967
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes (1967)
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes 1967
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes (1967)
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes 1967
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes (1967)
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes 1967
Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes (1967)

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Ophiocapnocoma phloiophilia (E.E. Fisher) S. Hughes 1967
[Not available]

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8 December 1992
2 April 2001
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