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Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels 1988

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Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels 1988

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(Speg.) Samuels
Nectriopsis puiggarii

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Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels 1988

Additional Specimens Examined. JAMAICA. On Xylaria sp., Wright, 1909 (FH). PERU. HUANUCO: Ca. 38 km from Tingo Maria, on the Tingo Maria-Pucallpa Rd., ca. 5200 ft, on Xylaria sp., Dumont (PE 763), Carpenter, Sherwood & Buriticä, 4 Jul 1976 (NY). BRAZIL. AMAZ6NAS: Plateau of Serra Acaca, N side of north mountain, 00°57' N, 63°21 W, 1250 m; cloud forest, on Kretzschmaria sp., Samuels 333, Prance & Pipoly, 17-22 Feb 1984 (INPA, NY); same collecting data, second collection, on Hypoxylon (Samuels 340), Samuels 341 (INPA, NY). SRI LANKA (Ceylon). CENTRAL: Hakgala, on decaying Xylaria, collector unknown (?Petch), nr. 4577a, May 1913 (K, holotype of N. sulcispora). PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Alabat Island, host not given, E. D. Merrill 10519, 21-30 Dec 1916 (K, isotype of Nectria striatula). NEW ZEALAND. AUCKLAND: Waitemata City, Waitakere Ranges, Fairy Falls Track off Mountain Rd., on Hypoxylon deustum (Hoffm.) Grev., Samuels & Petersen, 29 Apr 1983 (PDD 46248).
Anamorph. Acremonium sp.
Mycelium white, cottony, spreading over surface of host stroma, conidiogenous. Conidiophores 20-35 µm long x 3-4 µm wide at base, macronematous, mononematous, colorless, smooth, unbranched or irregularly branched, each branch comprising a single phialide. Phialides 20-25 µm long x 1 µm wide at tip x 1.5-2 µm wide at base, straight, smooth, monoblastic, periclinal thickening of tip at most barely visible, collarette not flared. Conidia oblong, 3-5 x 1-1.5 µm, lacking an obvious basal abscission scar, unicellular, colorless, produced in basipetal succession and held in a colorless drop of liquid at the tip of each phialide. Perithecia densely gregarious, forming within white mycelium with upper 1/4 of each perithecium free, pyriform, 220-280 µm high x 185-250 µm wide, with an obtuse apex, smooth, collapsing by lateral pinching or not collapsing when dry; amber-colored, not changing color in 3% KOH.
Cells at the surface of the perithecial wall forming textura epidermoidea, walls of cells < 0.5 µm thick. Perithecial wall 20-30 µm wide, comprising a single region of ± elliptical to flattened, 5-7 µm long x 2-3 µm wide cells with walls <_0.5 µm thick. Perithecial apex not anatomically distinct from the lateral wall, cells at the surface of the papilla ± enlarged, ca. 5 µm wide, ostiolar canal periphysate. Asci broadly cylindrical to narrowly clavate, (40-)50-75(-80) x (5-)7.5-12.9(16) µm, apex simple; 6-8-spored, ascospores uniseriate with overlapping ends to biseriate, completely filling each ascus. Ascospores ellipsoidal to fusiform, (10.8-)11.3-14.2(-16) x (4-)4.5-6.2(-7.5) µm, equally 2-celled, slightly constricted or not constricted, with coarse, ridge-like striations, colorless.
Characteristics in Culture. Colonies grown 10 days at 20°C, 12 hours dark/12 hours near ultraviolet + cool white fluorescent light. CMD, PDA: 3 cm diam.; OA: 5.5 cm diam. Colonies on all media flat, colonies on CMD translucent, felty; colonies on PDA and OA opaque, densely felty. Conidial production abundant on all media; conidiophores arising from 2.5-3 µm wide aerial hyphae and, on OA, from poorly developed hyphal, rope-like strands. Condiophores macronematous, mononematous, unbranched, 70-115 µm long x 2.5-3.5 µm wide at base, (1-)3-4(-5)-septate, straight, smooth, monophialidic. Phialides 25-60 µm long, straight, smooth, tip slightly thickened or not thickened, not flared. Conidia ellipsoidal, 6-8(-13) x 2.5-3(-3.5) µm, lacking an obvious basal abscission scar, unicellular, arising in basipetal succession and held in a colorless drop of liquid at the tip of each phialide.
Known Distribution. Brazil, Jamaica, New Zealand, Peru, Philippine Islands, Sri Lanka.
Habitat. On stromata of Xylariaceae.
Notes. Colony characteristics reported above are derived from the New Zealand collection, the only collection that I have been able to culture. The naturally formed anamorph is described from the Peruvian collection.
Holotype. Brazil. Apiahy, on Xylaria hippoglossa Speg., Puiggari 2892, v.1888 (LPS 1108!).

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Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels (1988)
Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels (1988)
Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels 1988
Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels (1988)

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Nectriopsis puiggarii (Speg.) Samuels 1988
New Zealand

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scientific name
12 November 1999
12 November 1999
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