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Nectria multiloculata Samuels 1978

Nectria multiloculata Samuels, New Zealand J. Bot. 16 78 (1978)
Nectria multiloculata Samuels 1978
NZ holotype
Nectria multiloculata
Nectria multiloculata Samuels 1978
Additional specimens examined: Data as holotype, Marguerite Track, on leaf of Gahnia sp., Dingley & Haydon, 21 Aug. 1974 (PDD 34055, Samuels 74-109); Little Barrier Island, track to summit of Mt Hauturu, on dead leaves of Astelia sp., Samuels 76-8, 22 Feb. 1976 (PDD 34940).
Mycelium not apparent. Perithecia solitary or in groups of a few, seated directly on the substrate; orange to brown; glabrous; globose, 340-400 µm diam., collabent or not collapsing when dry; yellow in 3% potassium hydroxide, becoming orange in lactophenol, reaction reversible.Perithecial wall 60-100 µm wide. Surface view: textura angularis, cells 10-15 µm in greatest dimension, walls c. 1 µm thick. Longitudinal section: outer region 50-90 µm wide, textura angularis, cells 7-15 µm in greatest dimension, walls c. 1 µm thick; inner region 10-15µm thick, cells fusiform. Perithecial papilla lacking, ostiolar canal periphysate. Asci clavate to fusiform, 100-120 x (7-) 14-17µm, 8-spored; apices rounded, simple; bases pointed, ascospores biseriate, forming throughout the length. Ascospores fusiform, 50-70 (-80) x 6-7 (-8) µm, (4-) 15-20-septate when discharged from asci, a few longitudinal septa may form, striate; not constricted at the septa; hyaline.
Characteristics in culture: Colony characteristics: Colony diameter: CMD, 2-3 cm; ME, just beginning to grow away from the inoculum; PDA 1-1.5 cm. Aerial mycelium lacking or sparse on CMD; acute, rope-like strands forming on ME and PDA. Colonies white on CMD, white to tan on ME and PDA. Ferrugineous pigment spreading into all three media. Non-conidial or conidia forming within 2-3 months on CMD and PDA; none on ME. Conidiophores arising from the aerial mycelium, bearing a single phialide, unbranched, 1-2-septate, 40-50 µm long, 3-4 µm wide basally, subtending hypha c. 2 µm wide. Phialides 35-40 (-45) µm long, 1.5-2 µm wide at the unflared tip. Conida cylindrical, (1-) 3-septate, 1-septate: 21-28 x 3-4µm, 3-septate: 21-35 x 3-4 µem, hyaline with or without a flattened, protuberant, basal, abscission scar, held in a drop of hyaline liquid.
Characteristics in culture: Colony characteristics: Colony diameter: CMD, 2-3 cm; ME, just beginning to grow away from the inoculum; PDA 1-1.5 cm. Aerial mycelium lacking or sparse on CMD; acute, rope-like strands forming on ME and PDA. Colonies white on CMD, white to tan on ME and PDA. Ferrugineous pigment spreading into all three media. Non-conidial or conidia forming within 2-3 months on CMD and PDA; none on ME. Conidiophores arising from the aerial mycelium, bearing a single phialide, unbranched, 1-2-septate, 40-50 µm long, 3-4 µm wide basally, subtending hypha c. 2 µm wide. Phialides 35-40 (-45) µm long, 1.5-2 µm wide at the unflared tip. Conida cylindrical, (1-) 3-septate, 1-septate: 21-28 x 3-4µm, 3-septate: 21-35 x 3-4 µem, hyaline with or without a flattened, protuberant, basal, abscission scar, held in a drop of hyaline liquid.
Habitat: On decaying leaves of monocotyledons.
Perithecia 340-400 µm diametro, globosa, aurantiaca vel brunnea; asci clavati vel fusiformes, 100-120 x 14-17 µm, apice simplici; ascosporae 15-20 septatae, fusiformes, hyalinae striatae. HOLOTYPUS: PDD 31786. Conidial state: Cylindrocarpon sp.
Etymology of the specific epithet: Refers to the phragmosporous ascospores.
Holotype: NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Waitemata County, Waitakere Ranges, Lucy Cranwell Track, vic. Kitakiki Stream, on dead leaf of Astelia sp., Dingley et al., 30 May 1973 (PDD 31786, Samuels 73-98).
Taxonomic concepts
Nectria multiloculata Samuels 1978
Nectria multiloculata Samuels 1978
Global name resources
NEW ZEALAND: Auckland, Waitemata County, Waitakere Ranges, Lucy Cranwell Track, vic. Kitakiki Stream, on dead leaf of Astelia sp., Dingley et al, 30 May 1973, Samuels 73-98, holotype PDD 31786, ex type CBS 339.77
scientific name
3 July 2023