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Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902

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Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi

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Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902

Leaf spot on elm is of little importance; it may cause early leaf fall. The ascogenous stage has not been found in New Zealand. Both host and fungus are introduced and in New Zealand are of no economic importance.

Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Ascomata perithecial, scattered, immersed, subglobose, black, 0.1 mm in diameter; on irregular brown leaf spots on the lower surfaces of leaves. Asci elongate-clavate, 90 × 10 μm. Ascospores fusiform, 1-septate, 26–28 × 3–4 μm, smooth, hyaline. Conidiomata acervular, brown, up to 0.2 mm in diameter; on leaf spots on the lower surfaces of leaves. Conidia sickle-shaped, 3–5-septate, 30–60 × 4–6 μm, smooth, hyaline; oozing out in whitish masses.
Distribution: Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taranaki, Hawkes Bay, Nelson.; 1st Record: Brien & Dingley (1951: as Septogloeum ulmi).
Significance: A common leaf spot of little importance.; Host(s): Ulmus americana, U. ×hollandica, U. ×vegeta.

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Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. (1902)
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. (1902)
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb.
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. (1902)
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. (1902)
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. (1902)
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. (1902)
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. (1902)
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. (1902)
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902

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Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
New Zealand
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
New Zealand
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
New Zealand
Mycosphaerella ulmi Kleb. 1902
New Zealand

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scientific name
22 July 2013
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