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Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972

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Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton, Taxon 21 716 (1972)
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972

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R. Hartig
(R. Hartig) Deighton
Mycocentrospora acerina

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Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972

Type: Foliicolous Fungi; Description: Mycelium: primary internal, secondary external. Hyphae of internal mycelium septate, hyaline, 2–5 μm wide. Stromata absent. Conidiophores emerging from stomata either singly or in small groups when arising from hyphae of internal mycelium or solitary when arising from external hyphae, straight, subhyaline, smooth, septate, up to 65 × 4–7 μm; conidiogenous cells with conspicuous scars. Conidia obclavate, acicular, straight or curved, 8–11-septate, 150–200 × 8–15 μm in the broadest part, tapering to a narrow beak 1–2 μm wide at the apex, hyaline to pale olivaceous, with or without a basal appendage; appendage when present directed downwards from the basal cell, septate, 30–150 × 2–3 μm. Leaf spots brown, often greyish in the centre, roughly circular, up to 5 mm wide, with a yellowish halo, on both sides of leaves.
Distribution: Taranaki, Wellington.; 1st Record: Laundon (1970: as Centrospora acerina).
Significance: Causes leaf spots on sycamore, which although unsightly, are of no importance.; Host(s): Acer pseudoplatanus, Asclepias tuberosa, Liquidambar styraciflua.

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Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton (1972)
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton (1972)
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton (1972)
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton (1972)
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton (1972)
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton (1972)
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972
Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton (1972)

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Mycocentrospora acerina (R. Hartig) Deighton 1972
[Not available]

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17 April 2001
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