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Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. 1924

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Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd., Ann. Mycol. 22 297 (1924)
Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. 1924

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New Zealand
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Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. 1924
NZ holotype
Leptosphaeria reidiana
New Zealand. Hab. in caulibus emortuis Radiculae spec., Mt. Judah, Otago, 13.12.192I, leg. W. D. Reid PDD 1019

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Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. 1924

Perithecia plus minus dense dispersa, immersa; atra, conoideo-globulosa, 175-225 µ diam., basi hyphulis paucis brunneis subinde cincta, parenchymatice e cellulis 10--12 µ diam., castaneobrunneis composita, ostiolo papilliformi pertuso ca. 35-40 µ lato praedita; asci numerosi, ca. 30 in quoque perithecio, late cylindracei vel subsaccati, sessiles vel brevissime noduloseque stipitati, fasciculati, ad apicem rotundati, 70-140 x 20-25 µ, octospori; sporae 2-3-stichae, primitus fusoideae et hyalinae utrinque attenuatae, maturae intense fuscae et cylindraceae minus attenuatae sed potius obtusae, 3-septatae, non constrictae, cellula secunda superiore lenissime latiore, 32-36 µ longae, 8-9 µ latae; paraphyses parum distinctae.
Die Sporen bleiben sehr lange hyalin, färben sich aber schlielich. intensiv braun.
Hab. in caulibus emortuis Radiculae spec., Mt. Judah, Otago, 13. 12. 1921, leg. W. D. Reid (no. 1019).

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Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. 1924
Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. (1924)
Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. 1924
Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. (1924)
Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. 1924
Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. (1924)

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Leptosphaeria reidiana Syd. 1924
[Not available]

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New Zealand. Hab. in caulibus emortuis Radiculae spec., Mt. Judah, Otago, 13.12.192I, leg. W. D. Reid PDD 1019

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scientific name
26 March 2002
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