Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
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Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
W.B. Cooke
G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke
NZ holotype
Lachnella turbinata
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Type and specimen examined: New Zealand: Invercargill, Otago. Oct. 1950. Collected by W. Faithful. (NZPD).
Receptacles scattered, membranous, waxy, fragile, 0,1-0,5 mm. in diameter, attached by a brief stem-like base, at first subglobose becoming urecolate or discoid; exterior dingy white, covered with a scanty tomentum, hairs 4-6 µ in diameter, wall 0,5 µ thick, hyaline, finely crystal coated; margin inturned, fimbriate; hymenial surface slightly concave, white or cream; context white, to 80 µ thick, to 250 µ at the base, of radiately arranged mainly parallel hyphae; generative hyphae 5-6 µ in diameter, wall 0,25 µ thick, branched, septate, hyaline; hymenial layer to 80 µ deep, paraphyses filiform, somewhat scanty, apices acuminate; basidia clavate, some almost capitate, 60-80 x 16-20 µ 4-spored; spores turbinate, 14-16 x 10-12 µ, smooth, hyaline.
Habitat: On Olearia paniculata.
The above description was taken from Cunningham (1953). The writer found abundant surface hairs 200-250 µ long, 7,2-9,0 µ in diameter, covered with fine crystalline material; the basidia in the portion of the type kindly loaned by Dr. Cunningham measured 50-55 x 7,2-9,0 µ. The spores measured 18 x 12,5 µ and the basidia have clamps at the base. The paraphyses-like bodies were 5-6 µ in diameter. In this and in L. pyriforma these bodies are either young basidia or cystidioles.
Pilei annual, scattered, membranous, waxy, fragile, 0.1-0.5 mm. diameter, attached by a brief stem-like base, at first subglobose becoming urceolate or discoid; exterior dingy white, covered with a scanty tomentum, hairs 4-6 µ diameter, wall 0-5 µ thick, hyaline, finely crystal coated; margin inturned, fimbriate; hymenial surface slightly concave, white or cream. Context white, to 80 µ thick, to 250 µ at the base, of radiately arranged mainly parallel hyphae; generative hyphae 5-6 µ diameter, wall 0.25 µ thick, branched, septate, hyaline. Hymenial layer to 80 µ deep, paraphyses filiform, somewhat scanty, apices acuminate. Basidia clavate, some almost capitate, 60-80 x 16-20 µ, 4-spored. Spores turbinate, 14-16 x 10-12 µ, smooth, hyaline.
HABITAT. Scattered on bark of dead twigs.
Pilei sparsi, cerosi, primo subglobosi, deinde urceolati vel discoides, 0.1-0.5 mm. diam.; exteriore parte sordide alba, tomento tenui tecta, pilis 4-6 µ diam., subtiliter crystallis illinatis, pariete 0.5 µ crasso; margine inflecto, fimbriato. Contextus albus ad 80 µ crassus, hyphis ad 6 µ diam., in radiis ordinatis, pariete 0.25 µ crasso. Paraphyses filiformes, apicibus acuminatis. Sporae turbinatae, apiculatae, 14-16 x 10-12 µ, leves, hyalinae.
Separated from C. villosa by the small size of the pilei, rather scanty tomentum, large. almost capitate basidia and turbinate spores. The latter show a general resemblance to those of C. pyriforma, differing in shape and smaller size.
Olearia paniculata (Forst. f.) Cheesm. Otago. Invercargill; October, 1950; Faithful; type collection.
Taxonomic concepts
Cyphella turbinata G. Cunn. (1953)
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella turbinata (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Global name resources
taxonomic status
spores only marginally different to L. villosa and a probable synonym [JAC]
scientific name
13 July 1998
15 December 2003