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Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961

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Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961

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New Zealand
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Cunningham 1963

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W.B. Cooke
G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke
NZ holotype
Lachnella pyriformis

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Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961

Type and specimen examined: New Zealand: Mt. Egmont, 4000 ft., Taranaki District. J. M. Dingley, Apr. 1946. (NZPD).
Receptacles scattered, membranous, brittle, 0,2-1,0 mm. in diameter, attached by a short narrow base, at first subglobose, becoming pezizoid; exterior white, covered with a dense tomentum of fine hairs curved over the hymenium, 5-6 µ in diameter, wall 1 µ thick, finely crystal coated with occasional inflated areas at or near the apex; magin inturned, fimbriate; hymenium surface concave, white becoming cream; context white, to 100 µ thick, to 250 µ at the base of radiately arranged compact parallel hyphae, outer few layers tinted; generative hyphae to 4 µ in diameter, wall 0,25 µ thick, branched, septate; hymenial layer to 60 µ deep, paraphyses filiform, numerous, apically acuminate; basidia subclavate. 40-50x 10-12 µ 2-4-spored; spores pyriform, flask-shaped or tear-shaped, base rounded, apex long-acuminate, 15-20 x 9-11 µ smooth, hyaline.
Habitat: On Hebe salicifolia.
The above description was taken from Cunningham (1953). The writer would add that this is an elaboration on the dochmiosporous type of spore with slightly larger spores than L. alboviolascens, but with the same type of surface hairs and receptacles. Subhymenial clamps are abundant in the portion of the type sent by Dr. Cunningham. This species is slightly larger in all respects than L. turbinata.
Pilei annual, scattered, membranous, brittle, 0.2-1 mm. diameter, attached by a brief narrow base, at first subglobose becoming pezizoid; exterior white, covered with dense tomentum of fine hairs curved over the hymenium, 5-6 µ diameter, wall 1 µ thick, finely crystal coated with occasional inflated areas at or near the apex; margin inturned, fimbriate; hymenial surface concave, white becoming cream. Context white, to 100 µ thick, to 250 µ at the base, of radiately arranged compact parallel hyphae, outer few layers tinted; generative hyphae to 4 µ diameter, wall 0.25 µ thick, branched, septate. Hymenial layer to 60 µ deep, paraphyses filiform, numerous, apically acuminate. Basidia subclavate, 40-50 x 10-12 µ, 2-4-spored. Spores pyriform, flask-shaped, or tear-shaped, base rounded, apex long-acuminate, 15-20 x 9-11 µ, smooth, hyaline.
HABITAT. Scattered on bark of dead twigs.
Pilei sparsi, membranacei, primo subglobosi, deinde pezizoides, 0.2-1 mm. diam.; exteriore parte alba, tomento denso pilorum brevium in hymenium curvatorum, subtiliter crystallis illinatorum, tecta, 5-6 µ diam., pariete 1 µ crasso; margine inflecto, fimbriato. Contextus albus ad 100 µ crassus, hyphis ad 4 µ diam. in radiis ordinatis, pariete 0.25 µ crasso. Paraphyses filiformes et apice acuminato. Sporae pyriformes, ampullaceae vel lacrimiformes, basi rotunda, apice longo-acuminato, apiculatae, 15-20 x 9-11 µ, leves, hyalinae.
Pilei resemble those of C. villosa and C. alboviolascens; but the species differs appreciably in the peculiar spores, which either resemble flasks with long necks or are tear-shaped with the broad base attached to the sterigmata. Both C. pyriforma and C. turbinata possess filiform paraphyses, whereas in the others described they are subclavate. In the sectional drawing (Text-fig. C, fig. 10) tufts of hairs are shown growing from the hymenial surface, a condition seen also in pilei of C. villosa and C. alboviolascens.
Hebe salicifolia (Forst. f.) Ckn. & Allan. Taranaki. Mt. Egmont, 3,500 feet; April, 1946; J.M. Dingley; type collection.

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Cyphella pyriformis G. Cunn. 1953
Cyphella pyriformis G. Cunn. (1953)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke (1961)
Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961

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Lachnella pyriformis (G. Cunn.) W.B. Cooke 1961
New Zealand

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scientific name
13 July 1998
15 December 2003
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