Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
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Laccaria glabripes McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 10 477 (1972)
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
NZ holotype
Laccaria glabripes
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Under (1) Leptospermum ericoides, Auckland: Titirangi, Bishop's Reserve, 24.V.1967,, R. F. R. McN., PDD 25959, PDD 25961, PDD 25957; Atkinson Park, 14.iv.l967,, 6.vii.l967, R. F. R. McN., PDD 25956; PDD 25958, PDD 25962; Wood Bay, 14.V.1965, R. F. R. McN., PDD 24521; Waitakere Ranges, Lucy Cranwell track, 26.V.1965, J. M. Dingley, PDD 24555; Birkenhead, Kauri Glen Park, 17.vii.l971, B. S. Parris, PDD 29388; 3.vii.l971, J. P. Croxall and B. S. Parris, PDD29393. (2) L. scoparium, Auckland: Henderson Valley, Sharps Bush,, R. F. R. McN., PDD 25954; Fairy Falls track, IO.V.1965, R. F. R. McN., PDD 24526; Cascade Kauri Park, 9.vii.l967, R. F. R. McN., PDD 25951; Piha Valley, 16.V.1971, B. S. Parris and J. M. Dingley, PDD 29391; Wellington: Turangi, I.X.1969, J. M. Dingley, PDD 29386. (3) L. scoparium and Pomaderris kumeraho, Auckland: Riverhead State Forest,, R. F. R. McN., PDD 25960. (4) Nothofagus fusca. Auckland: State Forest Ninety, 18.iv.l970, J. L. Austwick. (5) N. fusca and N. menziesii, Nelson: Maruia, 14.iv.1968, R. F. R. McN. (6) N. menziesii, Nelson: Lake Daniels track, 25.iv.l969, R. F. R. McN., (HOLOTYPE, PDD 29640); 16.v. 1969, R. F. R. McN. (7) N. menziesii and N. solandri, Canterbury: Lewis Pass, near Boyle River, 27.iii.l970, R. F. R. McN. (8) N. solandri, Canterbury: Lewis Pass, near Boyle River, 25.iv.l969, R. F. R. McN.: Cass, 8.iv.l969, M. J. Noonan. (9) N. solandri var. cliffortioides, Canterbury: Craigieburn, 20.V.1970, R. F. R. McN.: Harper Pass,, M. J. Noonan. (10) Nothofagus sp., Wellington: Botanic Gardens,, G. Stevenson 622.
PILEUS: 0.5-2.5-(3.5) cm diam., convex when young, plano-convex, applanate or occasionally centrally depressed with reflexed margins at maturity, hygrophanous, non-viscid, conspicuously pellucid-striate when wet, striae extending from margins to near centre of pileus, slightly sulcate, ± glabrous when wet, sparsely and minutely furfuraceous when dry, flesh pink to reddish brown with darker centre, drying buff. Cuticle composed of unspecialised, repent, parallel or slightly interwoven, thin-walled, clamped hyphae 7-12 µm diam. LAMELLAE: adnate to subdecurrent, distant, intermixed, thick, to 6 mm deep, flesh pink, glaucous. STIPE: 2.5-6 cm, long, ± equal, 1.5-3.5 mm diam., dry, hollow or stuffed, gabrous with a cartilaginous appearance when wet, not distinctly longitudinally fibrillose, reddish brown. ± concolorous with centre of pileus; flesh reddish brown; basal mycelium white. SPORES: spore print white when fresh; spores globose to subglobose, occasionally broadly elliptical, apiculate, hyaline, inamyloid, moderately echinulate, 8-11.5 µm diam. including spines, spines 1-1.7 µm long. HYMENIUM: basidia subclavate to clavate, 32-48 X 7-10.5 µm, 4-spored, sterigmata to 9 µm long: paraphyses sparse, simple, cylindrical to subclavate, occasionally irregular to 4.5 µm diam. HYMENOPHORAL TRAMA: regular, composed of tinted, parallel, long-celled hyphae; clamp connections present. CONTEXT OF PILEUS: extremely thin, concolorous with pileus. SMELL AND TASTE: not distinctive. CHEMICAL CHARACTERS: FeSO4 on pileus and context— rapidly dark grey: KOH and NH4OH on pileus and context—n.r.
Gregarious to caespitose under native trees and shrubs.
Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19: 10, fig. 2: pi. I, fig. 1. 1964 (as L. canaliculata).
Pileus plano-convexus, applanatus vel centraliter depressus, 0.5-3.5 cm diam., glaber, conspicue pellucido-striatus, caro roseola ad rubro-brunneam. Lamellae adnatae ad subdecurrentes, distantes, crassae, ad 6 mm altae, roseolae. Stipes 2.5-6 cm longus, plus minusve aequalis, 1.5-3.5 mm diam., cavus, glaber, rubro-brunneus. Sporae globosae ad subglobosas, hyalinae, echinulatae, 8-11.5 nm diam. cum spinis, spinae 1-1.7 µm longae. Basidia tetraspora.
Laccatus glabripes is readily recognisable by the extremely thin, flesh pink to reddish brown sulcate pileus, and glabrous stipe with a cartilaginous appearance. The species is common wherever Leptospermum and Nothofagus occur. It has been confused with an Australian species, Laccaria canaliculatus (Cooke & Mass.) Mass.
PDD 29640.
This smaller species of similar colouring to L. laccata, with pileus usually channelled and striate, is almost as common, and occurs in similar places. Cooke and Massee described the spores as globose, verrucose, 9-10 µm diam. The two type-specimens at Kew, one collected by Colenso in New Zealand, and the other from Brisbane have spores the same size though the New Zealand ones show slightly thicker walls and longer spines than the Australian (Fig. 1 and 2). Specimens in the writer's herbarium show globose thick-walled spores, 6-8 µm diam., with spines 1-1.5 µm long, the spore-size being constant in each collection (Fig. 3).
Taxonomic concepts
Laccaria canaliculata sensu G. Stev. (1964)
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Laccaria canaliculata sensu G. Stev. (1964)
Laccaria canaliculata sensu G. Stev. (1964)
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Laccaria glabripes McNabb (1972)
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Laccaria glabripes McNabb (1972)
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Laccaria glabripes McNabb (1972)
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Laccaria glabripes McNabb 1972
Global name resources
Identification keys
sub Nothofago menziesii. [New Zealand], Nelson: Lake Daniels track, 25.iv.1969, R. F. R. McNabb, holotype PDD 29640
scientific name
1 January 2000
15 December 2003