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Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979

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Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe, Mycotaxon 9 336 (1979)
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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(Rodway) Trappe
Labyrinthomyces varius

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Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979

AUSTRALIA: New South Wales (4 total collections examined): Sydney, iii. 1953, N. White, Gilkey 773 (OSC); Razorback Mtn, 5.V.1992, /. Trappe & R. Schaefer, H6081 (CANB, (OSC). Queensland (21): Mt Glorious, 25.V.1955, V. Herbert (DAR 21628, OSC); Paluma, 26.iv.1990, R. Young, H4527 (CANB 401568, OSC); Cardwell Range, Kennedy Rd, 5.V.1988, J. Trappe & M. Castellano, H4066 (CANB 401574, OSC). Atherton, Davies Rd, 3.V.1988, N. Rougher, M. Castellano, N. Malajczuk, H4011 (CANB 401573, OSC). Tasmania (7): Hobart, Cascades, vii. 1889, L. Rodway (holotype HO 113780, isotype OSC); Lemonthyme, Big Tree track, 12.V.1991, M. Castellano, H4802. Victoria (3): Rubicon (SW. of Eildon), 20.X.1962, G. Beaton (CUP 48770); Sedgwick, ii. 1918, E. Semmens (BPI, OSC). Western Australia (8): Beedelup National Park, 9.ix. 1982, N. Malajczuk, Trappe 6888; Manjimup, Boyicup, vii. 1975, P. Christensen, Trappe 4997; Jarrahdale, 8.ix.l98I, N. Malajczuk, H213 pro parte (all OSC). INDONESIA: Java: Dijeng Plateau, 6. viii. 1930, van Steenis 4627 (isotype of L, steenisii, CUP 49509, OSC). NEW ZEALAND: Auckland: Kaipara Harbour, Lake Ototoa Scenic Reserve, I4.iv.I983, R. E. Beever 258 (PDD 48338); same locality,, J. E. Beever 889 (PDD 55928, OSC); Hauraki Gulf,, E. Horak(ZT992, OSC).

Sporocarps 15-35 mm in diam., subglobose, sparingly to densely tomentose, brown with a reticulum of pale brownish yellow to yellowish brown, low meandering ridges, between the ridges even to verrucose with irregular, rounded warts. Gleba white in youth, in age the trama becoming light brown, with labyrinthine, often branching, mostly empty chambers 2-10 x 0.5-2.0 mm, lined with a hymenium of asci and paraphyses that is pale brown in youth, becoming brown to dark brown at maturity. Odour faintly sweet. Peridium two-layered; epicutis 100-250 µm thick, of interwoven hyphae 4-7 µm in diam. with brown walls 0.5-1.5 µm thick and scattered angular to inflated cells up to 15 µm in diam., with a turf of emergent, round-tipped, pale brown, straight to sinuous, smooth or occasionally granulated hyphal tips 10-75 x 3-4 µm, walls 0.5-1.0 µm thick; subcutis of hyaline, interwoven, thin-walled hyphae 3-5 (-8) µm in diam. Trama tissue similar to that of subcutis. Asci 300-345 x 22-28 µm, (2-) 8 spored, long tapered to an obscurely forked base, the lateral walls 1-2 fim thick, the tip wall ± 1 µm thick. Paraphyses 5-7 µm in diam., septate, thin-walled, less than half as long as the asci. Spores (Fig. 3) globose, 18-25 µm in diam., excluding the cynanophilic ornamentation of crowded, rounded warts 1-4 x 1-5 (-7) µm, smooth, hyaline in youth, light brown at maturity, walls 1.5-2 µm thick.

Etymology; Latin varius (various) in reference to the considerable variability in size and proportionate development of chambers and trama.

Presumptive Mycorrhizal Hosts
Associated in the field with Allocasuarina littoralis, Eucalyptus diversicolor, E. globulus, E. grandis, E. jacksonii, E. pilularis, E. saligna, E. tereticornis, E. torelliana, and probably other species of these genera.

Java (Boedijn 1939), New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia and New Zealand.
The holotype of Rodway's Stephensia varia is immature, but a few asci contain ornamented spores. In side-by-side comparison of holotypes of S. varia and Labyrinthomyces steenisii Boed., all microscopic and macroscopic features match except for the mostly immature spores of S. varia and mostly mature spores of L. steenisii.

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Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe (1979)
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe (1979)
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe (1979)
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979

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Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979
Labyrinthomyces varius (Rodway) Trappe 1979
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
placement in Stephensia is not generally accepted.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
14 December 2012
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