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Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952

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Hypocrea tawa Dingley, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New Zealand 79 335 (1952)
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
NZ holotype
Hypocrea tawa
Beilschmiedia tawa, [New Zealand], Auckland. Near Alfriston, August, 1948, J. M. D., holotype PDD 4628

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Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952

Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. and Benth. Auckland. Near Alfriston, August 1948, J.M.D. (type collection). Alectryon excelsior Gaertn. Auckland. Near Alfriston, September 1947, J.M.D. Unknown host Auckland. Near Alfriston, September 1947, J.M.D.
Stroma discoid, 1-2 mm. diameter, 0.5-1 nim. thick, scattered, numerous, pulvinate when fresh but convex when dry, brown vinaceous, punctate with dark papillate ostioles, margins rounded, free, stroma centrally attached to a substratum, pseudoparenchymatous, cells up to 15 µ diameter, outer cell pigmented and thickened, inner cells thin walled, hyaline. Perithecia globose, 0.15-0.25 mm. diameter, arranged in a superficial zone of stroma, ostiole up to 80 µ long, papillate; perithecial wall 10-15 µ thick, pigmented, distinct. Asci cylindrical, 70-80 x 4-6 µ, thin walled, with 16 unicellular part-spores, uniseriate, pseudoparaphyses branched, ramifying in cavity of perithecia. Part-spores cuboid or globose, 3.5-4.5 µ, or more or less oval when 5-4 x 3.0-4.0 µ, olivaceous, echinulate.
Distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On rotten wood.
Stroma discoidale, 1-2 mm. diam., 0.5-1 mm. densum, pulvinatum, brunneo-vinosum, tuberculatum, ad medium substratum affixum, pseudoparenchymatum ostiolis papillatis, marginibus rotundis, liberis. Perithecia globosa 0.15-0.25 mm. diam. in regione superficiali stromatis ordinata, ostiolo 70-80 µ longo, papillato. Asci cylindrici 70-80 x 4-6 µ, 16 sporis divisis unicellularibus, pseudoparaphysibus ramosis. Sporae divisae globosae vel cuboides 3.5-4.5 µ, vel ovatae 4.0-5.0 x 3.0-4.0 µ, olivaceae, echinulatae.
When fresh this species resembles H. rufa, but the pigmented spores and its distinct papillated ostioles sharply differentiates it from others described from New Zealand. H. tawa may be separated from H. novae-zealandica by its larger spores and the darker coloured stroma.
Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Hook.f. and Benth. Auckland. Near Alfriston, August 1948, J.M.D. (type collection).

Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952

Cultures similar to H. rufa, floccose, often discolouring media bright yellow. Conidia formed within seven days, at first bright green, becoming olivaceous. Conidiophores formed singly or in tufts 10-80 µ long, sometimes singly but usually branched, branching immediately below the transverse septa. Phialides terminal, usually in whorls of 2-3, often formed as lateral branches of the conidiophores 4.5-6 x 3.5-4.5 µ. Conidia catenulated from apices of phialides, globose, oval, rarely elliptical, 2.5-4.5 x 2.5-3.5 µ, echinulate, pigmented.

Chlamydospores globose or oval, terminal or intercalary, 8.5-10 x 5-8.5 µ, thin walled, smooth.

Cultures are typical of those of T. viride.

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Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley (1952)
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952

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Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
New Zealand
Hypocrea tawa Dingley 1952
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
Trichoderma tawa, reported as an anamorph for H. tawa is a different species [PRJ 2017]
Beilschmiedia tawa, [New Zealand], Auckland. Near Alfriston, August, 1948, J. M. D., holotype PDD 4628

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9 January 2017
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