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Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965

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G. Cunn.
(Berk.) G. Cunn.
Heterobasidion tasmanicum

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Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965

CUNONIACEAE. Weinmannia racemosa: Auckland, Te Whaiti, 300 m. Otago, Doubtful Sound, 130 m; Woodlaw State Forest. ESCALLONIACEAE. Ixerba brexioides: Auckland, Mamaku Forest, 600 m. FAGACEAE: Nothofagus cliffortioides: Nelson, Lake Rotoiti, 700 m. Nothofagus fusca: Nelson, Marble Mountain, Maruia, 900 m; Westland, Orwell Creek, Ahaura. Nothofagus menziesii: Auckland, Mamaku Forest, 600 m. Wellington, Days Bay, 120 m. Nelson, Kakapo River, 300 m; Little Wanganui River, 270 m. Otago, Black Gully, Blue Mountains; Hollyford Valley, 140 m; Milford Sound, 200 m; Lake Te Anau, 120 m; Woodlaw State Forest; Alton Valley, Tuatapere, 120 m. LAURACEAE. Beilschmiedia tarairi: Auckland, Waipoua Kauri Forest, 130 m; Kaukapakapa. Beilschmiedia tawa: Auckland, Moumoukai Valley, Hunua Ranges, 300 m; Kauaeranga Valley, Thames, 70 m; Lake Rotoehu, 450 m; Earthquake Flat, Rotorua, 600 m. MELIACEAE. Dysoxylum spectabile: Auckland, Little Barrier Island. UNKNOWN HOSTS. Auckland, Waikaretu, 140 m; Waipoua Kauria Forest; Te Whaiti; Whakamarama. Wellington, Mt. Kapakapanui. Victoria, Cumberland Valley. Tasmania, National Park; Between Great Lake and Deloraine; National Park.

IN KEW HERBARIUM: Collections are the type ex "Tasmania, Archer", "Tasmania, L. Rodway" type of Polyporus suaderis Lloyd, and "N.Z. Colenso, b 369" type of Fomes cuneatus Lloyd.

Comb. nov.

Hymenophore perennial, solitary or imbricate, firm and woody, attached by a broad lateral base. Pilei usually effused-reflexed, sometimes ungulate or applanate, occasionally resupinate, 7-17 cm, 2-5 cm radius, 3-5 cm thick; pileus surface bay, becoming umber, concentrically sulcate and ridged, radiately fluted and/or rugulose, nodose; cortex to 0.5 mm thick, dark brown, shining, of compactly intertwined cemented hyphae; margin acute, entire, undulate, lighter in colour; hymenial surface ochre drying bay, with a sterile border 2-3 mm wide. Pores obscurely stratose, pallid ochre, 2-4 mm deep in each layer, 5-6 per mm, 100-200 µ diameter, dissepiments 50-150 µ thick, most 50-75 µ, apices expanded partly occluding pores, velutinate. Context 2-5 mm thick, ochre or isabelline, of compact intertwined hyphae; skeletal hyphae to 4 µ diameter, lumena almost capillary, sparsely branched, aseptate, staining; generative hyphae to 3 µ diameter, walls 0.2 µ thick, branched, septate. Hymenial layer to 20 µ deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses soon collapsing and partly embedded in mucilage. Basidia clavate, 12-16 x 7-8 µ, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata erect, to 4 µ long. Paraphyses clavate, 8-12 x 5-6 µ. Spores elliptical, 7-10 x 4-5.5 µ, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.1 µ thick, staining slightly.

Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand.

Bark or decorticated wood of dead erect trunks, associated with a white rot.
Plants sometimes exude large drops from the hymenial surface, and occasionally these persist so that pore tissue grows between them; consequently when drops disappear eventually the surface exhibits a pitted or reticulated appearance. From Heterobasidion hemitephrum the species may be separated by the different shape and surface of the pileus, larger spores and absence of an orange zone beneath the cortex. Spores vary in length in different specimens, some not exceeding 6.8 x 3.5-4 µ, in others reaching a length of 10 µ.

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Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. (1965)
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. (1965)
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965

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Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand
Heterobasidion tasmanicum (Berk.) G. Cunn. 1965
New Zealand

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scientific name
8 February 1995
4 May 2001
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