Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971

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Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
Helminthosporium palmigenum
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
On bark of Ripogonum scandens, ( 1 ) North Auckland, Puketi Forest, 20.VI.1963, DAOM 109605; (2-7) Auckland Prov., (2) Cossey's Creek Dam. Hunua, 12.11.1963. J.M.D., DA0M 109321: (3. 4) Shaw Road. Titirangi, Waitakere Range. 15.VIII.1963, DAOM 93918, PDD 30417 (DA0M 109606); (5) near Nihotupu Filters, Waitakere Range, 30.VIII. 1963, DAOM 109604; (6) Whangapoua Saddle, Coromandel Peninsula, 5.1X.1963, J.M.D.. DAOM 10933; (7) Summit of Whitianga Road, Coromandel Peninsula, 21.VIII.1963, DAOM 109512. DAOM 109512 was collected on the bark of living stems; all other collections were made on dead stems.
Colonies effuse, black. hairy to velutinous. Conidiophores usually straight, subulate, dark brown, paler toward the apex, up to 220µm long, 8-9um wide at the base, tapering to 5.4-6.3um wide at the rounded apex. Conidia arise at a terminal pore and at scattered lateral pores in the wall of up to 6 distal cells. They are obclavate, straight or gently curved, smooth. pale brown to brown, palest at the apex, 4- to 9-, mostly 5- or 6-pseudoseptate, with the lumen of the cells often somewhat turbinate. The basal scar is occasionally rounded but more usually truncate with the wall scarcely or not at all more deeply coloured thin the rest of the conidium; the scar may he to one side of the base in conidia presumably borne laterally on the conidiophore. Conidia measure 23-45 X 8-10.8um.
Ripogonum scandens (Liliaccae) in New Zealand is also host to another species, recorded so far as I am aware only on palms, namely Endocalyx melanoxanthus (q.v. supra). Dr Matsushima kindly sent me a culture of H. palmigenum (Matsushima Fungus Collections No. 2980) which was derived from the type collection. and also a dried culture which he had identified as this species (MFC 4182, on CMA, with inoculum from a PSA culture, derived from a soil sample from Onoaida Botanical Garden, Yaku Island, Kagoshima Pref., Japan, July 1971). The New Zealand collections agree with these.
Taxonomic concepts
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. (1971)
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. (1971)
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. 1971
Helminthosporium palmigenum Matsush. (1971)
Global name resources
Type Papua New Guinea
scientific name
14 December 1992
10 May 2011