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Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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Threat status: Data deficient

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E. Horak
E. Horak
as 'minima'
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
NZ holotype (PDD 27039)
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum
Holotype (PDD 27039); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 69/131): 'X-mas Village, Stewart Island, New Zealand

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Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973

Holotype (PDD 27039); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 69/131): 'Xmas Village, Stewart Island, New Zealand; leg. Horak, 13.III.1969'.
Pileus 5-8 mm diam., conical or umbonate-plane, grey-beige, smooth, dry, hygrophanous. Lamellae (L 10-14, 13), adnexed or emarginate, exceeded by the margin of the pileus, whitish becoming pink, gill edge concolorous. Stipe 10-15 x 1 mm, cylindrical, coloured like pileus, white at the base, glabrous, fistulose, brittle. Taste and odor farinaceous.
Spores 6.5-7 x 5-5.5 µm, 5-6-angled. Basidia 25-30 x 8 µm, 4-spored. Cystidia none. Cuticle a cutis of repent, cylindrical hyphae (3-10 µm diam.), the thin-walled, not gelatinized membrane encrusted by brown pigment. Clamp connections lacking.
On soil or rotten wood in forests (under Dacrydium cupressinum, Podocarpus s pp., Metrosideros spp.). New Zealand.
Differt a typo carpophoribus et sporis minoribus et lamellis adnexo-emarginatis.

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Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak (1973)
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak (1973)

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Entoloma aromaticum f. minimum E. Horak 1973
[Not available]

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Holotype (PDD 27039); Isotype (Herb. HK. ZT 69/131): 'X-mas Village, Stewart Island, New Zealand

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scientific name
21 June 1998
19 April 2012
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