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Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978

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Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 16 330 (1978)
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978

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New Zealand
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S. Hughes
S. Hughes
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
NZ holotype
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae

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Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978

On dead wood and bark, frequently mixed with other dematiaccous moulds. ( 1 ) Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides Wellington Prov Tongariro National Park, Silica Springs Track, Whakapapanui Stream, 5.111.1963, DAOM 109677; (2) Nothofagus truncata, Westland, Granville Forest, Mt Elliott, Ahaura, 2.1V.1963, DAOM 93818; (3) Weinmannia racemosa, Westland, Lake lanthe, Pukekura. 8.1V.1963, DAOM 109680; (4) unidentified host. Auckland Prov., Waiatarua, Waitakere Range. 15.11.1963, S.D., PDD 30416 (type) (DAOM109676).
Colonies effuse, black. Mycelium immersed, composed of pale brown to brown, b ranched, septate hyphae 2-5um wide. Conidiophores occurring singly or in groups of 2 to 5, erect, mostly simple, rarely branched, straight or flexuous or more-or-less geniculate, subcylindrical, septate, 140-160um long, 8-8.6um wide and brown to dark brown toward the base, 3.6-5um wide and subhyaline to pale brown toward the apex. terminating in a conidiogenous cell. Finally the conidiophore proliferates percurrently 1-12 times through the scar, left by each successive conidium, to reach a length of up to 220um. Conidia solitary, blastic, at first on the terminal conidiogenous cell of the conidiophore and then on each successive percurrent proliferation. They are broadly ellipsoidal, obtuse at the apex, narrowed abruptly at the base which bears a conspicuous frill composed of a substantial portion of the apex of the conidiogenous cell, around the basal scar. Conidia are smooth, brown. with the basal cell usually paler, mostly 3-septate and 27-40 x 9.3-12.6um sometimes 2- septate and (20-29 X 9.3-12.6um, rarely 1-septate (l6.2-20 X 10.8-12um) or 4-septate (45 x 12.6µm).
Coloniae effusae nigrae.Mycelium immersum ex hyphis ramosis, septatis', pallide brunneis Yet brunneis 2-5µm crassis compositum.Conidiophora singula vel 2-5 aggregata, erecta, plerumque simplicia, raro ramosa, recta Yet flexuosa vel subgeniculata, subcylindrica septata, 140-160um longa, basi 8-8.6um crass. et brunnea vel atrobrunnea, apicem versus 3.6-5um crass. et subhyalina vel pallide, brunnea, in primis cellulam conidiogenam singulam apicalem ferentia. Dein conidiophora proliferunt ad 220um per cellulas conidiogenas 1-12 percurrentes. Conidia singula, primo in apice cellulae conidiogenae et dein proliferationis cujusque successivae oriunda, late ellipsoidea, ad apicem obtusa, basim versus abrupte diminuta, cicatrice margine fortiter fimbriata praedita, laevia, brunnea. cellula basali saepe pallidiore, plerumque 3-septata, aliquando 2-septata, rare, I- vel 4-septata: conidia si 3-seplata27-40 x 9.3-12.6um, si 2-septata 20-29 X 9.3-12.6um. si 1-septata 16.2-20 x si 4-septata 45 x 12.6um

Conidiogenesis in Endophragmiella.

The three new species of Endophragmiella described above display the same distinctive kind of conidiogenesis and origin of the successive proliferations as that found in the type species of this genus, E. pallescens Sutton (1973). Because this kind of proliferation has not hitherto been described in this genus a note of explanation is added here.

Conidiophores terminate in a conidiogenous cell which produces a terminal blastic conidium. Conidium secession occurs through a break in the wall of the conidiogenous cell below the level of the septum which delimits the conidium. This results in a frill at the base of the freed conidium and an open end at the apex of the remains of the conidiogenous cell. The penultimate cell now proliferates, by the extension of its distal septum. into the old conidiogenous cell and extends to various distances beyond its open end. The circular base of the proliferated septum finally appears is an inwardly projecting ring and the wall of the old conidiogenous cell persists as a sheath around the basal part of the proliferation. A single septum, occasionally more than one, is laid down in the proliferation thus delimiting a new terminal conidiogenous cell which then produces a terminal blastic conidium. The conidium secedes and the process is repeated. The result is a conidiophore sheathed toward the apex by the remains of the wall of successive conidiogenous cells. Within the conidiophore the circular rings at the level of the base of each sheath indicate the location of the septa which have proliferated.

In E. hymenochaeticola proliferations are described as sympodial as well as percurrent. It must he pointed out that. although the final appearance of the conidiophore may indicate a sympodial extension in relation to the scar left by the previous conidium. each sympodial proliferation has arisen from the basal septum of the conidiogenous cell; thereafter. failing to burst percurrently through the constricted apex of the conidiogenous cell, it makes its exit by rupturing the lateral wall. thus giving the appearance of a sympodial extension

Holotypus in cortice putrido, Nova Zelandia.Prov., Waiatartua. Waitakere Range---. 15.11.1963, S. Davison, PDD 30416 (DAOM 109676).

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Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes (1978)
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes (1978)
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes (1978)
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes (1978)

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Endophragmiella novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand

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14 December 1992
29 November 2006
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