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Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797

Scientific name record
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Cribraria vulgaris Schrad., Nov. Gen. Pl. 6 (1797)
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris

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Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797

 Fruiting body a stalked sporangium, gregarious, 1–2 mm high. 0.4–0.7 mm in diameter. Sporotheca globose, erect or nodding, at first nut-brown and then becoming dusky. Stalk subulate, rugulose, dark brown, 0.8–2.1 mm high. Hypothallus membranous, brown, discoid or sometimes expanding and extending to a number of sporangia. Peridial net irregular, consisting of broad, flattened-pulvinate, angular and branching, pale nodes and slender connecting filaments with few free ends. Calyculus prominent, occupying two thirds to two-fifths of the sporotheca, brown, marked by delicate, radiating lines of dictydine granules with irregular, coarsely dentate margin; dictydine granules dark, 0.5–2.0 µm in diameter. Spores bright yellow to ochraceous in mass, colourless by transmitted light, minutely roughened or warted, 5–6 µm in diameter. Plasmodium slate-grey or greenish.
 Reported from Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, and South America (Martin & Alexopoulos 1969, Farr 1976, Mitchell 1995). First reported from New Zealand by Rawson (1937), based on a specimen collected in Dunedin. SPECIMENS EXAMINED: PDD 161326, 16179, 16734a.
 Decaying wood.
 Martin & Alexopoulos (1969), Nannenga-Bremekamp (1991), Neubert et al. (1993), Lado & Pando (1997).
 This species has not always been distinguished from Cribraria aurantiaca, a situation that does not allow its world distribution to be determined with any degree of certainty.

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Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. (1797)
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. (1797)
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. (1797)
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. (1797)
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. (1797)
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. (1797)
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797

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Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
New Zealand
Cribraria vulgaris Schrad. 1797
New Zealand

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scientific name
24 May 1994
3 April 2003
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