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Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978

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Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 16 323 (1978)
Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978

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New Zealand
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S. Hughes
S. Hughes
Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978
NZ holotype
Conoplea tortuosa
in cortice putrido Quintiniae serratae, [New Zealand] "Westland, Granville Forest, Orwell Creek, Ahaura", 3.IV.1963, S.J.H., holotype PDD 20739, isotype DAOM 93649

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Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978

On dead hark, ( 1 ) Pseudowintera colorata Nelson Prov., Murchison, 19.1V.1956, S.D.B. & P.J.B., PDD 18306 (DAOM 93635); (2) Quintinia Westland. Granville Forest, Orwell Creek. 3.1V.1963. PDD 20739 (type) (DAOM 93649).

Colonies olivaceous to dark brown powdery, composed of crowded hemispherical fructifications up to 2mm across which occasionally coalesce.

The mycelium is immersed in the tissues below the periderm of dead branches, forming an extensive thin stroma the outer layers of which are dark brown. Here and there below the periderm, large, more-or-less irregular, conical stromata are formed and these extend through a break in the periderm and form an exposed cushion up to 500um wide; such stromata are mostly hyaline within with dark brown outer layers of cells.

Conidiophores are crowded on the stromata. erect in the centre but toward the margin they are increasingly divergent. They are composed of a poorly differentiated main stalk up to 600um long, 3.6-4.5um wide and brown below, expanding gradually to 5.8-6.3um wide above and slightly paler, transversely septate (at 90 degrees ). with the cells as long as 36um below and as short as 12um above, undulate to tortuous and roughened throughout and bearing at different levels up to 6 alternate or unilateral primary branches which may bear secondary branches. Lateral branches more-or-less repeat the morphology of the main stalk. Anastomoses between contiguous conidiophores have been seen. Conidiogenous extensions are pro duced laterally and singly below most of the upper Septa of the main stalk and below nearly all the septa of its branches. At first these grow parallel to the branch that heirs them but finally they bend and almost encircle the branch; they are 2.3-3.6µm wide, pile brown, rough-walled, irregular in outline with the scars of fallen conidia, and up to 16µm long. Occasionally, conidiogenous extensions may continue growth upwards as lateral branches.

Conidia are blastic and mostly produced unilaterally, in sympodial succession, on the conidiogenous extensions and similarly on the apex of the main stalk and many of its branches; during development a hyaline separating cell 0.7-1.0um long and 1.3-1.5µm wide is differentiated, separating the conidium from the conidiogenous extension, Conidia are subglobose to ovoid to obovoid, with a more-or-less fiat scar sometimes bearing an inconspicuous frill resulting from the tearing of the separating cell. They are brown to dark brown. roughened, thick-walled (up to 0.71um) with a paler, more-or-less circular area of wait (presumably a germination pore) 1.5-2.5um in diameter, usually in an equatorial position. Conidia measure 6.5-8.6 x 5.7-6.5µm and in undisturbed conidiophores they occur in botryose clusters.

Coloniae olivaceae vel atrobrunneae, pulverulentae, ex fructificationibus pulvinatis separatis vel coalescentibus compositae. Mycelium immersum, stromata effusa subperidermalia formans, hie illic erumpentia in pulvinulos ad 500um lat. Conidiophora densa in stromatilbus superificialibus oriunda, ad 600um longa, basi brunnea. 3.6-4.5um lat., omnino asperata, apicem versus pallidiora et 5.8-6.3um fat., his ramosa (i.e. cum stipite et ramis primariis secondariisque sympodialiter oriundis). undulata vel tortuosa (non torsiva). rectangulariter septata, cellulis basalibus ad 36um longis, apicem versus brevioribus ad 12um longis. Prolongatio conidiogena singula producta est ad apicem cellulae distalis stipitis cc ad apicem cellularum plerarumque ramorum. Proliferationes 23-3.6um ]at. subcylindricae usque ad 16um long--- aliquando cellulam sequentern circinantes, cicitricilbus subdentieulatis p raeditae. Conidia (sympoclioconidia) subglobosa vel ovoidea vel obovoidea, 6.5-8.6 x 5.7-6.5um, basi plus minusve plana, brunnei vel atrobrunnea, asperata, crasso-tunicata (ad 0.7um), poro germinationis acquatoriali 1.5-2.5um diam., praedita.Habitat in cortice putrido coloratae et Quintiniae serratae. Nova Zelandia

Holotypus in cortice putrido Quintiniae serrata, ---Westland. Granville Forest. Orwell Creek, Ahaura 3.IV. 1963, S.J.H., PDD 20739 (DAOM 93649).

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Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978
Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes (1978)
Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978
Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes (1978)
Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978
Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes (1978)

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Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand
Conoplea tortuosa S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand

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in cortice putrido Quintiniae serratae, [New Zealand] "Westland, Granville Forest, Orwell Creek, Ahaura", 3.IV.1963, S.J.H., holotype PDD 20739, isotype DAOM 93649

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10 December 1992
15 December 2003
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