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Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978

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Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 16 320 (1978)
Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978

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S. Hughes
S. Hughes
Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
NZ holotype
Conoplea novae-zelandiae
Holotypus in cortice lignoque putrido Ackamae rosaefoliae, [New Zealand], "North Auckland, Puketi Forest", 20.VI. 1963, S.J.H., Holotype PDD 21257 , syntypes DAOM 93612, GZU 299009, L 0053923, NY 00945951 UPS F-645909

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Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978

On dead wood and bark, ( 1 ) Ackama rosaefolia North Auckland, Puketi Forest, 20.VI.1963. PDD 21257 (type) (DAOM 93612); (2-6) Beilscmiedia tawa, (2) Auckland Prov., Cascade Kauri Park, Swanson, 8.1. 1963, PDD 20408 (DAOM 93621 ); (3) Auckland Prov., Mamaku State Forest, 22.111.1963, PDD 20666 (DAOM 39615); (4) North Auckland, Omahuta Forest, 19.VI.1963, J.M.D., PDD 21239 (DAOM 93611 ); (5-29) Auckland Prov., (5) Kauacranga Valley, Thames 3.1X.1963. DA0M 93601:(6) Little Barrier Is. 29.VIII.1958, J.M.D. PDD 18463 (DAOM 3622); (7-11) Brachyglottis repanda, (7-8), Whangapoua Saddle, Coromandel Peninsula. 5.1X.1963. (7) J.M.D., PDD 21468 (DAOM 93604); (8) PAD 21471 (DAOM 93606): (9) Kauaeranga Valley, Thames 4.1X. 1963, DAOM 93608; ( 10) near Oamaru Bay, Coromandel Peninsula, 6.1X.l963, PDD 21497 (DAOM 93602); (1 1) Waiomu, Zeon Vin Track, Thames 26.VIII.1958, J.M.D. PDD 20365 (DAOM 93623); (12) Coprosma arborea, Little Barrier L, 2S.VIII.1958, J.M.D., PDD 18464 (DAOM 93624): (13) Cyathodes Kauri Reserve. Coromandel-Whitianga Road, 6.1X.1963, PDD 21495(DAOM 93603); (14) Dacrydium cupressinum Walker's Bush, Henderson Valley, Waitakere Range, 27.XII.1962, PDD 20372 (DAOM 93625): (15) Knightia excelsa, Hunua Gorge, Hunua, 12.11.1963. PDD 20550 (DA0M 93619): (16-19) Leptosperm scoparium ( 16) Kakamatua Stream. Huia. 29.VIII.1963, J.M.D., PDD 21409 (DAOM 93609); (17) Orere, 24.1X.1963, J.M.D., PDD 21558 (DAOM 93600), (18) Kitekite Stream, Waitakere Range, 31.I. .1963, DAOM 93620; (19-21) Leptospermum ericoides Little Barrier L. (19) 9.VI.1956, F.J.N. PDD 18307 (DAOM 93626); (20) 29.VIII.1958, J.M.D, PDD 20367 (DAOM 93630); (21) 31.VIII 1958, J.M.D.. PDD 20364 (DAOM 93631 ); (22, 23) Nothofagus truncata Orere, 24.1X.1963, (22) J.M.D., PDD 21557 (DAOM 93599); (23) DAOM 93598: (24) Pittosporum tenuifolium Ruaotowhenua, Waitakere Range, 7.VIII.1963, J.M.D., PDD 21402 (DAOM 93610); (25) P. umbellatum Little Barrier I 30.VIII.1958, J.M.D. PDD 20366 (DAOM 93633); (26) Vitex lucens Cascade Kauri Park. Swanson, 18.1X.1963, J.M.D., PDD 21516 (DAOM 93656); on unidentifi c d wood and bark, (27) Scenic Drive. Waitakere Range, 3.1.1958, J.M.D., PDD 18312 (DAOM 93634), (28) Kauaeranga Valley. Thames , 3.1X.1963, PDD 21469 (DAOM 93605). (29) Mamaku State Forest, 22.111,1963, J.G., PDD 20723 (DAOM 93614), (30) Canterbury Prey., Okitu Valley, near Little River, 17.V.1963, DAOM 93613

Colonies olivaceous to dark brown to almost black, powdery. They may be extensive and continuous or composed of separate. more-or-less pulvinate fructification, up to 3 mm wide but wider by confluence. Mycelium immersed and superficial, composed of branched. septate, pale brown to dark brown hyphae 15-9um wide. Narrower, branched irregular hyphae may be concentrated in surface layers of the host tissues to form a thin, black, and extensive layer which can extend well beyond the fruiting part of the colony; this layer may then dip deeply into the host tissues. The broader. superficial hyphae arise from hyphae of the blackened layer and may grow along the surface of the host.

Conidiophores are crowded, mostly erect, and arise as lateral branches of immersed or superficial hyphae or as the ends of hyphae growing out from the host. They are composed of a well defined main stalk up to 1 mm long, transversely septate (at 90degrees) at 40-100um intervals, 9-11um wide, dark brown, and thick-walled (up to 2um) and smooth to coarsely roughened below, whereas above they are thinner walled, paler, pale brown, and always finely roughened. The basal part of the main stalk, is cylindrical and straight or flexuous, then tapering toward a bluntly rounded apex 4.5-6.5um wide; occasionally it may terminate in a torsive portion 3.2-4.5um wide with oblique septa. The main stalk bears up to 9 upwardly curved primary branches which in turn bear secondary branches; tertiary branches are also usually produced. The main stalk is usually simple but may bear toward the base one or more equally robust branches each of which more-or-less repeats the morphology of a conidiophore with a simple main stalk. Anastomoses between conidiophores have been seen. The lower primary branches are generally cylindrical and straight below with distant transverse septa but toward the apex they are always torsive and more closely, and obliquely septate. The upper primary branches and the secondary and tertiaiy branches arenearly always torsive with cells 11-23um lone and the septa are oblique. Conidiogenous extensions are produced laterally and singly below most of the septa of the torsive portions of the conidiophores; at first these grow parallel to the branch that bears them but with further growth they encircle the branch up to 11 times. They are pale brown. roughened, 2-3.5um wide, up to 18um long, and very irregularly denticulate with scars of fallen conidia.

Conidia are blastic and mostly produced unilaterally. in sympodial succession on the conidiogenous extensions; during development a hyaline separating cell 0.7-1.1um long and 1.3-1.5um wide is differentiated, separating the conidium from the conidiogenous extension. Conidia are ovoid to obovoid, sometimes inequilateral, with a flat basal scar often bearing an inconspicuous frill resulting front the tearing of the separating cell. They are pale brown to dark brown, very finely roughened, thick-walled (tip to 0.9um ) with a paler, mostly elliptical area of wall (presumably a germination pore) 2.5-3.5um long and 2.1um wide, usually in a lateral position. Conidia measure 6.4-8.6 X 4.8-5.7um and in undisturbed conidiophores they occur in botryose clusters

Habitat in cortice-lignoque putrido. Nova Zelandia.

Coloniae olivaceae vel atrobrunneae, pulverulentae, ex fructificationibus aliquando pulvinatis sed plerumque late effusis compositae.

Mycelium immersum et superficiale, 15-9um lat. Hyphae angustiores stratum atrum, tenue, late etfusum in ligno formantes; hyphae superficiales latiores repentes vel erectae, atrobrunneae. conidiophora gerentes.

Conidiophora densa, effusa, ad 1 mm longa his ramosa, i.e. cum stipite et ramis primariis secondariisque sympodialiter oriundis. Stipes rectus vel flexuosus, basi atrobrunneus, 9-11um lat., septatus. cellulis 40-100um long., crassotunicatis (ad 2um), laevibus vel fortiter asperatis; apicern versus angustior, 4.5-6.5um lat., pallidior, aliquando torsivus, cellulis brevioribus leniter asperatis. Rami sursum curvati, yet apicem versus vel omnino torsivi, brunnei vel pallide brunnei, cellulis 11-23um long., asperatis, septis obliquis, Prolongatio conidiogena singula producta est ad apicern cellularum plerarumque ramorum torsivorum. Proliferationes 2-3.5um lat., subeylindricae, usque ad 18um long., saepe cellulam sequentem circinantes, cicatricibus subdenticulatis praeditae.

Conidia (sympodioconidia) ovoidea vel obovoidea, aliquando inaequilateralia, 6.4-8.6 X 4.8-5.7um basi plus minusve plana, pallide brunnea vel atrobrunnea, leniter asperata, crasso-tunicata (ad0.9um), poro germinationis aequatoriali plerumque elliptico 2.5-3.5um long.. X 2.1um lat, praedita

Apothecia of Plectania campylospora (Berk.) Nannfeldt in Korf (q.v.) (identity confirmed by Dr John Paden) were found associated with Conoplea novae-zelandiae in three of the collections listed above, namely numbers 1, 4. and 10. It is very probable that this discomycete is the ascigerous state of the Conoplea. It is thus interesting that my isolations of ascospores from three separate collections of Urnula craterium (Schw.) Fries (DA0M 35465, 67984, and 88465) produced. in pure culture, torsive conidiophores of a Conoplea bearing conidia with a germ slit rather than a germ pore.
Holotypus. in cortice lignoque putrido Ackamae rosaefoliae North Auckland, Puketi Farest 20.VI. 1963. S.J.H.. PDD 21257 (DAOM 93612).

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Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes (1978)
Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes (1978)
Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes (1978)

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Conoplea novae-zelandiae S. Hughes 1978
[Not available]

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Holotypus in cortice lignoque putrido Ackamae rosaefoliae, [New Zealand], "North Auckland, Puketi Forest", 20.VI. 1963, S.J.H., Holotype PDD 21257 , syntypes DAOM 93612, GZU 299009, L 0053923, NY 00945951 UPS F-645909

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10 December 1992
17 November 2006
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