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Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948

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Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948

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New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948
NZ holotype
Coltricia strigosa
HABITAT : Growing solitary or usually csespitose on rich humus on the floor of forest or scrubland. [New Zealand] Auckland. Little Barrier Island, Oct., 1945, Joan Dingley, holotype PDD 4417

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Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948

Accepted as Coltricia strigosa.
This is a highly characteristic species in Coltricia with small, strigose basidiocarps and subglobose spores of variable size, measuring 4.5-7 x 4-6 µm. In Melzer's reagent, spores show a negative reaction, unlike those of some other Coltricia species which are weakly dextrinoid.
Holotype: PDD 4417 - New Zealand, Coromandel, Little Barrier Island, 3 Oct. 1945, J.M. Dingley, on rich humus on ground under Leptospermum.

Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948

Auckland. Little Barrier Island, Oct. 1945, Joan Dingley, type collection; Same locality, Nov. 1947, M.Parkin; Oratia, 500 feet, Dec. 1930, M.Hodgkins.
Hymenophore annual or reviving a second season, solitary or caespitose, attached by a central stem. Pileus orbicular, convex, not umbilicate, 1-5 cm. diameter, 2-5 mm. thick; surface at first fawn, becoming chestnut-brown, not or vaguely zoned, strigose with coarse vertical hairs in the centre, hairs radiately arranged peripherally, cuticle wanting; margin usually bluntly rounded, plane, entire; hymenial surface decurrent, chestnut-brown or cinnamon, sterile margin lighter in colour, 1-5 mm. wide, dissepiments not toothed; stem to 2 cm. long, 3-6 mm. thick, solid, cinnamon, coarsely or finely tomentose, usually fused at the base to a common mycelial mass. Context 2-3 mm. thick, cinnamon, of parallel hyphae radiately arranged; generative hyphae 5-7 μ thick, wall 0.5 μ, chestnut-brown, branched, septate. Pores angular, 0.2-0.5 mm. deep, ferruginous in section, 150-400 μ diameter, or 2-3 per mm.; dissepiments 75-200 μ thick, equal, apices slightly inflated, delicately velutinate. Basidia clavate, 12-16 x 5-6 μ, persistent. Spores subglobose, globose or slightly obovate, 5-7 x 5-6 μ, commonly 6 x 5 μ, smooth, tinted yellow.
New Zealand.
Growing solitary or usually caespitose on rich humus on the floor of forest or scrubland..
Hymenophorum annuum, caule centrale. Pileus orbicularis, convexus, 1-5 cm. diam., 2-5 mm. crassus; superficies hinnulea, demum castanea, haud velambigue zonata, centro pilis crassus, strigosis, verticalibus, induta, perimetro radiatim posita; cuticula absens; superficies hymenialis decurrens, castanea, vel cinnamomea; caulis 1-2 cm. longus, 3-6 mm. crassus, solidus, cinnamomeus, tomentosus; hyphae generationae 5-7 μ crassae, brachiatae,septatae, hyphis fibulatis nullis. Pori angulati, 2-3 per mm. Sporae subglobosae, globosae, vel aliquantulum obovatae, 5-7 x 5-6 μ, leves, flavo-tinctae.
Separated from other species listed by the stout pileus with coarsely strigose surface, shallow pores and subglobose spores. It differs from obese forms of C.montagnei (Fr.) Murr. by the coarse strigose hairs of the pileus and smaller subglobose spores. A second crop of pilei had developed on the Oratia collection, suggesting that the species may survive a second season.

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Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. (1948)
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. (1948)
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. (1948)
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. (1948)
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948
Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948

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Coltricia strigosa G. Cunn. 1948
[Not available]

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HABITAT : Growing solitary or usually csespitose on rich humus on the floor of forest or scrubland. [New Zealand] Auckland. Little Barrier Island, Oct., 1945, Joan Dingley, holotype PDD 4417

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15 December 2003
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