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Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919

Scientific name record
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Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel, Trans. & Proc. Roy. Soc. South Australia 43 270 (1919)
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Cleland & Cheel
Cleland & Cheel
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
N.S.W., Australia
Clitocybe paraditopa
Type Australia

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Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919

Pileus 2.5-3.5 cm diam., greyish fawn to grey more or less plane, sometimes caespitose and deformed. Gills adnate to decurrent, pale grey, moderately crowded, moderately thick and rather shallow, occasionally forking. Stipe 1.5-2 x 0.5 cm, solid or hollow, flesh continuous with that of cap, grey fawn with whitish cottony striations. Spores 5-5.5 x 2-2.5 µm thin-walled (Fig. 8). Very fragrant.
In rough grass or on lawns, occasionally forming rings; fairly common in Wellington and Nelson during May and June.
The gill characters of this species approach those of Leucopaxillus but the spores are non-amyloid.

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Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel (1919)
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel (1919)
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel (1919)
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel (1919)
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel (1919)
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel (1919)
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel (1919)

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Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
New Zealand
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
New Zealand
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
New Zealand
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
New Zealand
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
New Zealand
Clitocybe paraditopa Cleland & Cheel 1919
New Zealand

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Type Australia

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scientific name
1 January 2000
1 October 2007
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