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Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973

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Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog, Acta Bot. Neerl. 22 209 (1973)
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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de Hoog
de Hoog
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
Cordana ellipsoidea
Locality Nepal. Type collection not indicated.

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Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973

On dead wood and bark, ( 1-3) Auckland Prov., (1) Beilschmiedia tawa, Mamaku State Forest, 22.III.1963, J.M.D. DAOM 96094; (2) Leptospermum ericoides, Cornwallis, 31.XII.I962, J.M.D. POD 20401 (DAOM 93568); (3) Leptospermum scoparium Kauri Reserve, Coromandel-Whitianga Road, 6.IX.1963, PDD 21461 (DAOM 96090); (4) L.. scoparium North Canterbury, AshIey Gorge 14 V.1963, J.M.D. PDD 21050 (DAOM 96093); (Melicytus ramiflorus AuckIand Prov., Hunua Gorge, Hunua 12.11.1963, PDD 20565 (DAOM 96104); (6) Nothofagus fusca, WeIIington Prov., Tongariro NationaI Park, Ohakune Mountain Road (750m),7.111.1963, PDD 20642 (DAOM 96097); (7) is,. solandri var. cliffortioides, North Canterbury. Okuku VaIley, N of Oxford, 19.X.I963, J.M.D. PDD 21623 (DAOM 96092); (8) Pseudopanax crassifolius Au k_ land Prov., Upper Piha VaIley, Waitakere Range, 9.X.1963, J.M.D. DAOM 96091; (9-13) unidentified hosts, (9) AuckIand Prov., Scenic Drive, near Titirangi, 6.11.1963, DAOM 96105; (10) AuckIand Prov.. Orere, 20-11.1963, PDD 20569 (DAOM 96099); (11-13) WelIington Prov. - Tongariro National Park. Erua, 6 . III.1963 PDD 20661 (DAOM 96078), DAOM 96098, 96095.

Colonies black, effuse, composed of erect conidiophores. Mycelium mostly immersed. composed of branched, septate, subhyaline to brown hyphae 1.5-3.5um wide. Conidiophores widely scattered or crowded, arising singly or in groups of up to 6, simple, finally up to 300µm long with the cells 12-22um Iong, usually bulbous and up to 9.5µm wide at the base. then 4.5-5.5um wide. and tapering to 3.5um toward the apex, brown to dark brown toward the base, paler toward the apex; the base characteristically bear, rooting hyphae. Some conidiophores are inconspi . cuously and transversely ridged toward the distal end.

Conidia produced bIasticalIy on successive new growing points toward the apex of the conidiophore which becomes swollen, up to 9µm and denticulate with the scars of fallen conidia. Conidiophores can produce a terminal extension which produces a cluster of successive conidia on the apex which also becomes swollen; up to 5 such successive extensions of a single conidiophore have been seen.

Conidia are dry, 1-septate, smooth, oblong to broadly ellipsoidal, sometimes somewhat narrowed medially, sIightIy denticuiate at the basal scar. pile brown to brown and uniformly pigmented or darker above the septum; they have a minute paler zone at the apex. Conidia measure 7- 1.5 x 4.5-5.7um. Conidia (? chlamydospores) produced on supeificial hyphae are sessile, broadiy ellipsoidal to obovoid. uiformly brown, continuous, and measure 7.2-10.8 x 4.5-5.4um.

The collections cited above are in excellent agreement with the original illustrated account by de Hoog (op cit.). Examination of a derivative of the type isolation of C. oblongispora Matsushima ( 1975) indicates that this name is based on C. ellipsoidea.

Cordana ellipsoidea is reminiscent of Arthrobot yella hernica Sibilia (1928), the type species of Arthrobotryella, described on rotten wood from Italy. Conidia of A. hernica were illustrated and described as ellipsoidal [to oblong]. 10.35 x 5.20um, and produced on denticles on a series of swellings on simple erect conidiophores. The genus was indicated as morphologically analogous to Gonabotrys and Gonabotrys in these two genera the swellings on the conidiophore precede synchronous conidium production whereas in Cordana the swellings are a direct result of successive conidium production. No type material of Arthrobotryella hernica is now in existence (Sibilia, in litt. 1954) and so far as I am aware the species has not been redescribed.

References: de Hoog (op. cit.), Matsushima 1975), Udagawa & Furuya ( 1975).

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Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog (1973)
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog (1973)
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog (1973)
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog (1973)

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Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
New Zealand
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
New Zealand
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
New Zealand
Cordana ellipsoidea de Hoog 1973
New Zealand

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Locality Nepal. Type collection not indicated.

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scientific name
11 December 1992
19 April 2005
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