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Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974

Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj in Nag Raj & Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 12 121 (1974)
S. Hughes & Nag Raj
S. Hughes & Nag Raj
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974
NZ holotype
Chalara unicolor
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974
Colony effuse, brown, hairy, with a thin white bloom of conidial chains. Mycelium immersed, here and there thinly aggregated, composed of subhyaline to brown hyphae 2-4.5 µm wide. Conidiophores solitary or loosely aggregated, erect, straight, subcylindrical, uniformly brown, smooth, walls thickened somewhat below and thinner above, 115-155 µm long, composed of a 1-celled occasion ally lobe-bearing stalk cell, 9-10.5 µm wide, terminating in a phialide. Phialides 105-140 µm long, composed of a slightly inflated venter about 50-60 µm long and 11.5-16.5 µm wide merging into a cylindrical collarette (7-) 8-9 µm wide. Phialoconidia cylindrical, barely rounded at the apex and flattened at the marginally frilled base, hyaline, 3-septate, smooth, (20-) 34-40 (-45) x (6.5-) 7.2 (-8.0) µm, sometimes observed in readily seceding chains. Conidia with more rounded distal ends are generally the sort ones (20-30 µm) and each is the first-farmed conidium in the phialides.
HABITAT: on decayed wood of Leptospermum scoparium.
Coloniae effusae, brunneae, velutinae, strato tenui, albido, catenarum conidiorum obtectae. Mycelium immersum, hic illic tenuiter aggregatum, ex hyphis subhyalinis vel brunneis, 2-4.5 µm lot., compositum. Conidiophora solitaria vel laxe aggregata, recta, subcylindrica, aeque brunnea, laevia, 115-155 µm long., stipito unicellulari, subinde lobifero, 9-10.5 µm lat. et phialide terminali composita. Phialides 105-140 µm long., ex ventro leniter inflato, c. 50-60 µm long. et 11.5-16.5 µm lat., et collo terminali, cylindrico (7-) 8-9 µm lat. desinentes. Phialoconidia cylindracea, apice vix rotundato, basi plana eµmarginali fimbriata, hyalina, 3-septata, laevia, (20-) 34-40 (-45) x (6.5-) 7.2 (-8.0) µm, nonnunquam in catenas facile secedentes observata. Phialoconidium princeps apice rotundatum plerumque brevior, 20-30 µm long. HABITAT: in ligno putrescenti Leptospermii scoparii. Typus: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Kitikiti Stream, Waitakere Range, 31.1.1963, PDD 30409 (DAOM 110019).
COLLECTION: New Zealand, Auckland Province, Kitikiti Stream, Waitakere Range, 31.1.1963, PDD 30409 (type) (DAOM 110019).
Taxonomic concepts
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj (1974)
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj (1974)
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj (1974)
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj (1974)
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1974
Chalara unicolor S. Hughes & Nag Raj
Global name resources
New Zealand, Auckland Province, Kitikiti Stream, Waitakere Range, 31.1.1963, holotype PDD 30409, isotype DAOM 110019
scientific name
10 December 1992
11 April 2023