Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
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Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
culture CBS 405.81 from Germany [PRJ, 2023, CBS 405.81 redetermined as C. fungorum, Wu & Diao 2023; does that mean C. fungorum present in NZ?]
Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
NZ holotype
Chalara sessilis
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
Colonies inconspicuous, effuse, straw coloured, powdery. Phialophores reduced to phialides,or rarely phialides with a single cylindrical stalk cell up to 69 long and 2.5µ wide. Phialides ampulliform to narrowly conical, with a broad flat base; 18-23 [21] µ long, pale brown and concolorous; venter usually conic, occasionally ellipsoid, 10-12.5 [11] x 3-4 [3.7] µ; collarette cylindrical, 10-11 [10.3] x 1.5 µ; transition from venter to collarette gradual, rarely abrupt; ratio of mean lengths of collarette/venter = 0.9:1. Phialoconidia extruded in easily dispersible chains; cylindrical with truncate ends, unicellular, hyaline, smooth, 3.5-6 [4.8] x (1-) 1.5 µ; mean conidium length/width ratio = 3.4:1.
Known distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On dead leaves of Knightia excelsa.
Colonia inconspicua, effusa, straminea, pulveracea. Phialophora ad phialides redacta, raro ex phialidibus singulari, cylindrica, cellula fulcienti usque ad 6 µ long. et 2.5µ lat., composita. Phialides ampulliformes vel anguste conicae, base lata et plana; 18-23[21] µ long., pallide brunneae et concolorae; venter plerumque conicus, interdum ellipsoideus, 10-12.5 [11] x 3-4 [3.7] µ; collum cylindraceum, 10-11 [10.3] x 1.5 µ; transitio ex ventre ad collum gradatim, raro abrupta; ratio long. colli et ventris = 0.9:1. Phialoconidia in catenas facile dispergendas extrusa; cylindracea, utrinque truncata, unicellularia, hyalina, laevia, 3.5-6 [4.8] x (1-) 1.5 µ; ratio conidii long./lat. = 3.4:1.
C. sessilis superficially resembles C. constricta, but differs by its ampulliform to narrowly conical and shorter phialides, collarette concolorous with venter, transition unmarked by a constriction in the wall, and cylindrical conidia with truncate ends.
Specimen examined: PDD 32639 [Holotype], Kauri Glen Pk., Northcote, Auckland, N.Z., 19.II. 1974, B. Kendrick (KNZ 372).
Taxonomic concepts
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Chalara sessilis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
Global name resources
Holotype PDD 32639 New Zealand, Kauri Glen Pk., Northcote, Auckland,19.II.1974, B. Kendrick (KNZ 372).
scientific name
24 December 1992
15 December 2003