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Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897

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Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 15 456 (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii

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Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897

Type: Foliicolous algae; Description: Thallus polystromatic, subcuticular, roughly circular, greyish white (resembling a powdery mildew) finally becoming greenish orange, composed of irregularly branched and interwoven prostrate filaments; on the upper surfaces of leaves. Erect hairs penetrating through the cuticle, cylindrical, with a bulbous base, reddish brown to orange, 20–130 μm long. Sporangiophores erect, 2–many-celled, developing from the prostrate thallus. Sporangia (1–5) borne slightly obliquely on a short curved stalk, produced from the swollen tip of the sporangiophore, globose to slightly elliptical, 22–43 × 17–26 μm, surface roughened. Zoospores biflagellate. Gametangia not known. Leaf spots roughly circular and wide spreading, greyish white with a pale yellow halo on the upper surface, pale yellow on the lower surface.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Wanganui, Wellington, Nelson, Marlborough Sounds.; 1st Record: Chapman et al. (1957).
Significance: Very common on Melicytus spp. in northern North Island but causes no damage.; Host(s): Melicytus macrophyllus, M. ramiflorus.

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Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle (1897)

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Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
New Zealand
Cephaleuros lagerheimii Schmidle 1897
New Zealand

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scientific name
10 December 2003
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