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Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962

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G. Stev.
G. Stev.
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
NZ holotype
Amanita nigrescens
New Zealand, Wellington, Wairarapa, 27 .vi. 1949, A. Crawford (G. Stevenson 682, holotype K(M)

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Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962

[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.

Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962

Pileus 3 cm. diam., moist, waxy, dark-brown, with a few dark-brown warts, striate at margin, flesh pale-grey but dark-brown immediately under the cuticle. Gills white, free, moderately crowded, long and short intercalated, all with conspicuous blackish-brown margins; spore-print copious, white. Stipe x 0.7 cm., tapered upwards, covered with greyish-brown fibrillous striations on whitish ground; fibrils cracking into blackish-brown scales all free above and attached below, both above and below the blackish-brown ring; slightly hollow above, and quite hollow and chambered towards the base. Volva white with ochraceous tints, blackish-brown round margin which is adpressed to the base of the stipe. Spores non-amyloid, spherical 9-10 um diam. Sterile edge of gill with basidioles containing dark pigment. No cystidia seen on gills or stipe scales though the latter contained some thick- walled dark hyphae.
under Nothofagus in Wairarapa, 27.6.1949, A. Crawford.
Pileus 3 cm. diam., humidus, cereus, atrofuscus, verrucis paucis fuscis ornatus, ad marginem striatus; car0 pallide cinerea sed atrofusca subcuticula. Lamellae albae, liberae, mediocriter confertae, longae et breves inter-calatae, omnes marginibus fuscis. Depositum sporarum abundans, album. Stipes 5 x 0.7 cm., obclavatus, albidus, striis fibrillosis cinereo-fuscis tectus; fibrillae et super et sub annulo fusco in squamas atrofuscas supra liberas infra adjunctas findentes; stipes supra paullum cavus, basin versus omnino cavus et in loculos divisus. Volva alba ochraceotincta, circa marginem basi stipitis adpressum atrofusca. Sporae haud amyloideae, globosae, 8-10um diam.; margo sterilis lamellae e basidiolis pigmento subnigro praeditis constans; cystidia in lamellis vel in stipitis squamis non visa, tametsi hae hyphas nonullas fuscas muris densis continerent
Stevenson 682.

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Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. (1962)

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Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
New Zealand
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
New Zealand
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
New Zealand
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
New Zealand
Amanita nigrescens G. Stev. 1962
New Zealand

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New Zealand, Wellington, Wairarapa, 27 .vi. 1949, A. Crawford (G. Stevenson 682, holotype K(M)

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1 January 2000
27 October 2022
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