Amanita nehuta G.S. Ridl. 1991

Vernacular names
Amanita nehuta G.S. Ridl. 1991
Basidiocarps very small to medium, solitary to subgregarious. Pileus 25-65 mm, piano- convex to plano-depressed, with sulcate margin (0. 17-0.38 R), buff, non-viscid, volva remnants pulverulent, pale greyish sepia to fuscous, on disc raised into wart-like peaks, or radial ridges. Lamellae crowded, free, 6-7 mm wide, white to pale buff, margin laciniate; lamellulae subtruncate. Stipe 20-75 mm high, 4-11 mm diameter, hollow, from clavate or bulbous base, 10-16 mm diameter, surface white, very pale buff or very pale greyish sepia, upper stipe smooth to subfloccose, lower stipe smooth, base with rim or band of pulverulent, greyish sepia to fuscous volva remnants. Exannulate. Context of pileus white, very pale grey beneath disc, stipe white, streaked with very pale grey or buff.
Spore print white. Basidiospores (312/26), 6.5-9 x 5.5-8(-8.5) µm, Qm 1.16, Q 1.06-1.33, subglobose to ellipsoid, thin-walled, hyaline, inamlyloid. Basidia 30.5-54 x (8-)9-13(-14) µm, 4-spored, rarely less than 4-spored, clampless. Lamella margin cells globose, elliptic to clavate, thin-walled, hyaline, 8-22.5 x 5.5-14.5 µm, in short chains of up to six cells, easily detached. Pileipellis consisting of 90-110 µm wide, slightly gelatinised suprapellis, dense, non-gelatinised subpellis. Volva remnants on pileus consisting of abundant umber, finely encrusted, globose to ellipsoid cells, 18.5-92 x 13.5-92 µm, either single or in chains on moderately abundant hyphae, 6-12 µm wide, umber, finely encrusted, irregularly arranged.