Amanita karea G.S. Ridl. 1991

Amanita karea G.S. Ridl. 1991
Basidiocarps very small to medium, solitary to subgregarious. Pileus 20-60 mm, convex to plano-convex, then plano-depressed, margin entire or occasionally splitting and pellis rolling back to give a ragged appearance, greyish to fawn, mouse-grey to greyish sepia, or honey to buff, viscid when young or wet, drying with age, volva remnants flat, squarish warts to fibrillose crumbs at pileus margin, rarely pointed, dark greyish sepia to mouse-grey and occasionally paler at the tips, arranged concentrically. Lamellae crowded, free, 3-6 mm wide, white; lamellulac subtruncate. Stipe 38-70 mm high 5-8 mm diameter, solid or tending to hollow, from marginate to marginate-depressed bulbous base, 7-21 mm diameter, surface above annulus, white to pale smoke-grey, sparsely floccose, or breaking into trans- verse, striate bands, below annulus white to smoke-grey, or pale greyish sepia, smooth to finely scaled, base with band or rim of pulverulent, dark greyish sepia to fuscous volva remnants. Annulus membranous, finely striate, white to sordid white at margin, or very pale grey with fuscous margin. Context of pileus white, or pale greyish sepia to mouse-grey under disc, rarely grey line above lamellae, stipe white or streaked with grey.
Spore print white. Basidiospores (223/21), 6.5-9 x 5.5-6.5(-8) µm, Qm1.32, Q(1-)1.5-1.54, occasionally globose, usually broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, hyaline, amyloid. Basidia25-35.5 x 7.5-12 µm,usually4-spored,notelamped. Lamella margin cells numerous, 17-60.5(-86) x 9-26.5(-53) µm, sphaeropedunculate, clavate, hyaline. Pileipellis consisting of 170-220 µm wide, gelatinised suprapellis, and non-gelatinised subpellis. Volva remnants on pileus consisting of abundant globose to elliptic, umber cells 16-60.5(-81) x 16-53(-81) µm, single or in short chains on abundant, 5-10 ttffl wide, umber hyphae; arranged vertically to pileipellis.