Amanita australis G. Stev. 1962

Vernacular names
Limacella macrospora Stevenson (26 D) = Oudemansiella macrospora (Stevenson) comb. nov. (Basionym: L. macrospora Stevenson, Kew Bull. 16: 68, 1962)
A full description of this species will be published later.
Amanita australis G. Stev. 1962
Amanita australis G. Stev. 1962
Basidiocarps very small to medium, solitary or rarely gregarious. Pileus 20-90 mm wide, convex to piano-convex, then piano-depressed, margin occasionally splitting and rolling back to give a ragged appearance, disc dark buff, honey or isabelline, paling to buff at the margin, viscid when young or wet, drying with age, volva remnants forming conical to pyramidal warts aggregated on disc, becoming sparse and low towards the margin, at first white then greyish sepia or isabelline with white to buff tips. Lamellae crowded, free, 6-10 mm wide, white, margin entire; lamellulae truncate. Stipe 37-90 mm high, 6-26 mm diameter, narrowest at centre, hollow, from sub-bulbous to abruptly bulbous base, 14-38 mm diameter, surface above annulus white, floccose, below annulus white with white, buff or sordid transverse, striate bands, base with or without a rim of pulverulent, sordid buff to greyish sepia volva remnants. Annulus membranous, striate, white to buff, pendulous then adhering to stipe. Context of pileus white, occasionally pale isabelline under disc, rarely a grey line above lamellae, stipe white.
Spore print white. Basidiospores (367/31), (8-)9-12(-13-14.5) x (7-)8-10.5 µm, Qm 1.10, Q 1.00-1.33(-1.60), globose to ellipsoid, thin-walled, hyaline, amyloid. Basidia 43.5-76.5 x 10.5-17 µm, mostly 4-spored, clamped. Lamella margin cells numerous, 16-39.5 x 10.5-27.5 µm, globose, elliptic or clavate, hyaline. Pileipellis consisting of 220-270 µm wide, gelatinised suprapellis and non-gelatinised subpellis. Volva remnants on pileus consisting of abundant globose, clavate, napiform cells, 10-86 x 9-85 µm, pale umber to umber, in chains perpendicular to the pileus surface, becoming smaller and paler at tip of wart, subtended by moderately abundant hyphae, 4-10 µm wide, clamp connections abundant.