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Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978

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Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes, New Zealand J. Bot. 16 314 (1978)
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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S. Hughes
S. Hughes
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
NZ holotype
Acrogenospora gigantospora
[New Zealand] Westland, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, holotype PDD 36096, isotype DAOM 109596

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Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978

On dead bark, ( 1 ) Nothofagus menziesii Wellington Prov , Tongariro National Park. Chakune Mountain Road (900m), 7.111.1963, DA0M 109594; (2, 3) Weinmannia racemosa, (2) Westland. Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.1V.1963, PDD 3606 (type) (DAOM 109596); (3) Auckland Prov., Mangorewa Gorge, 20.111.1963, J.M.D. DAOM 109587.
Hyphae mostly immersed, branched. septate. pale brown to dark brown, 1.8-6um wide; hyphal cells around the base of conidiophores are inflated and up to 16.2um wide.

Conidiophores produced singly or in groups of 2-4, erect, straight or flexuous, black and opaque for much of their length and brown to dark brown above; only the upper transverse septa can be seen. They are up to 700um lone, 9-14.5um wide just above the has, which may be swollen up to 20um wide. Conidiophores taper to 5.8-7.2um wide at the apex which can bear up to 11 percurrent proliferations.

Conidia broadly obovoid at first, finally broadly obovoid to spherical; they are translucent when young thus permitting the hyaline, thick (up to 9um) inner wall to be seen, but at maturity the outer wall (c. 0.5-0.7um thick) is dark brown to black and opaque. The basal scar is flattened, 5.8-7.2um wide, on a slight pojection, and bears a short fringe of outer wall. Conidia measure 25-55 X 21-49.5um mostly 31-47 X 28-40um

Coloniae sparsae effusae

Mycelium plerumque immersurn, ex hyphis ramosis septatis, pallide brunneis vel atrobrunneis 1.8-6um crassis compositum cellulis hypharum circa basem conidiophororurn inflatis et ad 16.2um crassis

Conidiophora singulariter nata vel 2-4 aggregata, sparsa, crecta, simplicia, plerumque recta, attenuata septata, ad 700um longa, supra basim 9-14.5um m crassa. cellulis basalibus inflatis ad 20gm kit- at atra crasso-tunicata, apicem versus 5.8-7.2um crassa et atrobrunnea vel brunnea. Conidiophora per 1 - 11 proliferationes conidiogenas percurrentes elongescentia.

Conidia singula primo in apice conidiophori et de in proliferationis cujusque successivae oriunda, primo late obovoidea dein late obovoidea vel sphaerica, basi cicatrice plana subfimbriata 5.8-7.2um lat. praedita, continua, laevia; tunica externa atrobrunnea vel atia, tenuis (c. 0.5-0.7um), frigilis, tunica in terna hyalina, crassa (ad 9um) Conidia 25-55 X 21-49.5um. plerumque 31-47 X 28-40um

I have also collected this species in Scotland (on conifer wood, Dunkeld, Perthshire, 4.1X.1953. DAOM 38956). The conidiophores in this collection ' and in DAOM 109594 and 109596 from New Zealand, are found together with synnemata of Graphium calicioides (q.v. infra).
Holotypus in cortice emortuo Weinmanniae racemosae, Nova Zelandia, Westland. Lake lanthe, Pukekura, 8.1V.1963, S.J.H., PDD 36096 (DAOM 109596).

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Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes (1978)
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes (1978)
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes (1978)
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes (1978)

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Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand
Campbell Island
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand
Acrogenospora gigantospora S. Hughes 1978
New Zealand

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[New Zealand] Westland, Lake Ianthe, Pukekura, 8.IV.1963, holotype PDD 36096, isotype DAOM 109596

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scientific name
10 December 1992
15 December 2003
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