Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar

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Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar, New Zealand J. Bot. 17: 321 (1979)
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Connor & Edgar
(Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Slender tufts, often with tufts of leaves at ends of elongating shoots, rooting at nodes; leaves < culms; new shoots extra- and intravaginal. Sheaths light brown, usually with scattered long hairs, sometimes glabrous; collar hairs to 2 mm long; ligule 0.2-0.3 mm long; lamina to 15 cm long, inrolled, mostly glabrous but margins slightly scabrous near base. Culms up to 25 cm long, glabrous, finely scabrous below inflorescence. Panicle erect, contracted, narrow, 1-7 cm long, of few spikelets on short pedicels; rhachis and pedicels uniformly closely short-scabrous; spikelets 4-5-(6)-flowered, awns ± included by glumes. Glumes purpled centrally, lanceolate, subacute, 6-7.4 mm long, ± equal, both 5-nerved. Lemma c. 2 mm long, 9- nerved, upper row of hairs dense, continuous, = or > lemma lobes, lower row ± indistinct except for marginal tufts, elsewhere with short scattered hairs; lemma lobes 0.7-1.2 mm long, tapering to minute awn or membranous. Central awn 1.5-2.5 mm long; column c. 0.5 mm long, sometimes not developed, < palea and upper lemma hairs. Palea c. 2.5 mm long, < or almost = upper lemma hairs, glabrous between keels, margins with a few long hairs. Callus 0.2- 0.3 mm long with very short marginal hair tufts not, or a few just reaching lower row of lemma hairs. Rhachilla c. 0.7-1 mm long. Anthers 0.6-0.9 mm long. Caryopsis not seen. Endemic.
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Slender tufts, often with tufts of leaves at ends of elongating shoots, rooting at nodes; leaves < culms; branching extra- and intravaginal. Leaf-sheath light brown, usually with scattered long hairs, sometimes smooth; apical tuft of hairs to 2 mm. Ligule 0.2-0.3 mm. Leaf-blade to 15 cm, inrolled, mostly glabrous but margins slightly scabrid near base. Culm to 25 cm, internodes smooth but finely scabrid below inflorescence. Panicle erect, contracted, narrow, 1-7 cm, of few spikelets on short pedicels; rachis and pedicels uniformly closely short-scabrid. Spikelets 4-5-(6)-flowered, awns ± included by glumes. Glumes purplish centrally, lanceolate, subacute, 6-7.4 mm, ± equal, 5-nerved. Lemma c. 2 mm, 9-nerved, upper row of hairs dense, continuous, ≥ lemma lobes, lower row ± indistinct except for marginal tufts, elsewhere short scattered hairs; lobes 0.7-1.2 mm, tapering to minute awn or membranous; central awn 1.5-2.5 mm, column c. 0.5 mm, sometimes absent, < palea and upper lemma hairs. Palea c. 2.5 mm, ≤ upper lemma hairs, interkeel glabrous, margins with a few long hairs. Callus 0.2-0.3 mm, very short marginal hair tufts not, or a few just reaching lower row of lemma hairs. Rachilla c. 0.7-1 mm. Anthers 0.6-0.9 mm. Caryopsis not seen. Plate 12C.
Taxonomic concepts
Danthonia buchananii var. tenuis Petrie
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Notodanthonia tenuis (Petrie) Zotov
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Rytidosperma tenue (Petrie) Connor & Edgar
Identification keys
Known from four sterile collections only. Most likely a hybrid involving R. buchananii
scientific name
1 January 2000
21 May 2012