Xylaria Hill ex Schrank 1789

- Xylaria aburiensis
- Xylaria albocincta
- Xylaria allantoidea
- Xylaria anisopleura
- Xylaria apiculata
- Xylaria arbuscula
- Xylaria avellana
- Xylaria berkeleyi
- Xylaria carpophila
- Xylaria castorea
- Xylaria corniformis
- Xylaria cubensis
- Xylaria digitata
- Xylaria discolor
- Xylaria feejeensis
- Xylaria filiformis
- Xylaria fockei
- Xylaria furcata
- Xylaria gracilis
- Xylaria hungarica
- Xylaria hypoxylon
- Xylaria ianthinovelutina
- Xylaria longipes
- Xylaria luteostromata
- Xylaria multiplex
- Xylaria myosurus
- Xylaria obovata
- Xylaria palmicola
- Xylaria papyrifera
- Xylaria pisoniae
- Xylaria polymorpha
- Xylaria polytricha
- Xylaria psamathos
- Xylaria rhizocola
- Xylaria rimulata
- Xylaria schreuderiana
- Xylaria schweinitzii
- Xylaria scruposa
- Xylaria sp. 1
- Xylaria sp. 1
- Xylaria sp. 2
- Xylaria sp. 2
- Xylaria sp. 3
- Xylaria tabacina
- Xylaria theissenii
- Xylaria tuberiformis
- Xylaria wellingtonensis
- Xylaria zealandica
Globose fruiting bodies, either sessile on the host substrate or on a short, narrow stalk. Tissue white inside, with the small, globose perithecia in a narrow layer just beneath the surface. Probably should be considered congeneric with Xylaria.
A few species have been reported for New Zealand, but the genus is poorly understood taxonomically and has not been treated in detail. Only those species listed below have been treated in the Virtual Mycota
Xylaria Hill ex Schrank 1789
Xylaria is characterised by upright fruiting bodies, black on the outside, with white flesh inside. Xylaria castorea, a very common species, has irregularly-shaped fruiting bodies, often flattened and paddle-shaped.
Saprobic on fallen wood and dead leaves. Xylaria hypoxylon (one of several species with a small, pointed, sterile apex) is typically found on wood in running water. The leaf-inhabiting species have extremely narrow, thread-like fruiting bodies.
The name Penzigia is sometimes used for Xylaria-like fungi with globose fruiting bodies with no stalk. There are several New Zealand species with this form of fruiting body, but they have not been studied, and are phylogenetically the same as Xylaria.
Upright, cylindrical fruiting bodies with a sterile basal part and the upper part lined with a single layer of perithecia in the outer layers of the fruiting body. The internal tissue white.
Fifteen or more species in New Zealand, all indigenous. There are several undescribed penzigioid species Only those species listed below have been treated in the Virtual Mycota.