Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J. 1987 [1986]

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Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J., New Zealand J. Bot. 24 (1987 [1986])
Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J. 1987 [1986]
Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J.
Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J.
invalidly published, misapplication
Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J. 1987 [1986]
Xylaria sp. 2
Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J. 1987 [1986]
SPECIMEN EXAMINED: WESTLAND: Paparoa Ranges, vic. Blackball, Croesius Track, Garden Gully, on decaying leaf of Astelia sp., Samuels (85- 80,) et al., 3, 4 May 1985 (PDD 49588).
Stromata solitary, scattered, simple, c. 1.5 cm long, filiform, c. 1 mm diam., black. Surface smooth to slightly wrinkled. Perithecia intercalary, nearly superficial, pyriform, acute, c. 700 µm diam. Internal tissue white, solid. Asci 120-160 µm total length x 11-15 µm, sporiferous part 87-100 µm, cylindrical, ring J+, wedge-shaped, 3-4 µm wide x 5 µm high; 8-spored, ascospores diagonally arranged with overlapping ends. Ascospores 16-17(-19) x 7.0-8.0(-8.5) µm, broadly elliptical in top view, shaped like an orange segment when seen laterally, dark brown, barely transparent; slit full length, straight, parallel to long axis of the ascospore.
CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE: Colonies grown 2 weeks at 18-20°C, 12 h darkness/ 12 h near ultra-violet + cool white fluorescent light on OA 4 cm, flat with scant, cottony, pale salmon aerial mycelium. Stromata eventually forming, few to numerous, 1-1.5 cm long x 3-5 mm diam., acute and slim or obtuse and wider, remaining salmon coloured and sterile.
CHARACTERISTICS IN CULTURE: Colonies grown 2 weeks at 18-20°C, 12 h darkness/ 12 h near ultra-violet + cool white fluorescent light on OA 4 cm, flat with scant, cottony, pale salmon aerial mycelium. Stromata eventually forming, few to numerous, 1-1.5 cm long x 3-5 mm diam., acute and slim or obtuse and wider, remaining salmon coloured and sterile.
HABITAT: On decaying leaves of Astelia sp.
NOTE: This species is morphologically very similar to X. cf. filiformis but differs in the dimensions of its ascospores and ascal ring, and in characteristics of its colonies.
Taxonomic concepts
Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J. 1987 [1986]
Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J. (1987) [1986]
Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J. 1987 [1986]
Xylaria sp. 2 sensu Rogers, J.D.; Samuels, G.J. (1987) [1986]
Identification keys
taxonomic status
As Xylaria taxonomic species 2.
scientific name
23 March 2001
23 March 2001