Veronica adamsii Cheeseman

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Veronica adamsii Cheeseman, Man. New Zealand Fl., ed. 2, 786 (1925)
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii
Lectotype (designated by Garnock-Jones & Clarkson 1994): Kapowairua to Tom Bowline’s Bay, North Cape, T. F. C[heeseman], Jan 1896, 1545 to Kew, AK 7666. Isolectotypes: AK 7665, 20330, WELT 79581 (although the wording of locality details on the label of this last sheet differs slightly from that on the lectotype)
Low spreading shrub up to 1 m tall. Old stems grey-brown; branchlets yellowish brown, drying dark, glabrous or minutely puberulent when young; internodes 3–10x diameter. Leaf bud usually with small rounded sinus, sometimes sinus absent. Leaves erecto-patent to patent; lamina lanceolate to narrowly elliptic, coriaceous, glossy bronze green above, slightly duller beneath, (30–)50–100 × (7–)10–18(–28) mm, glabrous except for minute glands and short eglandular hairs on midrib above, young leaves sometimes ciliolate or minutely glandular along margins; apex subacute to acute; base abruptly narrowed to short ciliolate petiole; margin entire, glabrous, pale, weakly bevelled. Inflorescences lateral, racemose, 5–10(–15) cm long; flowers distant, spiralled. Peduncle and rachis with minute spreading eglandular hairs; peduncle 1–3 cm long. Bracts linear, acute, ciliolate, usually shorter than or equalling pedicels, rarely longer. Pedicels erecto-patent to spreading, 2.5–4 mm long. Flowers weakly turpentine-scented, protandrous. Calyx lobes broadly ovate, acuminate, overlapping at edges, 3 × 1 .5–2 mm; outer surface with scattered minute sessile glands; margin eglandular- and glandularciliolate. Corolla pale pinkish mauve, fading dirty white; tube 2.5–4 mm long, broad and rounded at base, puberulent inside; lobes suberect, ovate to lanceolate, subauriculate at base, acute, 4–5 × 2.5– 4 mm. Anthers pale mauve, acute, 2 .5 mm long; filaments pinkish mauve, fading white, 6–7 m m long, curving outwards after dehiscence. Nectarial disk glabrous, fleshy, dark green. Style white, glabrous, 6–7 mm long; stigma subcapitate. Ovary cylindrical, glabrous, 1–1.2 × 0.8 mm; ovules c . 8– 10 per locule, marginal on a discoid placenta. Capsule ovoid, acute, pale brown, 4.5–5(–6) × 3.5– 4 mm, septicidal to base, loculicidal to half-way. Seeds brown, elliptic to subcircular, strongly flattened, smooth, 2–2.5 × 1 .5–2 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Hebe adamsii (Cheeseman) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Veronica adamsii Cheeseman
Named after James Adams (1839—1906), former headmaster of Thames High School, who accompanied T.F. Cheeseman on his North Cape expedition in 1896.
Lectotype (designated by Garnock-Jones & Clarkson 1994): Kapowairua to Tom Bowline’s Bay, North Cape, T. F. C[heeseman], Jan 1896, 1545 to Kew, AK 7666. Isolectotypes: AK 7665, 20330, WELT 79581 (although the wording of locality details on the label of this last sheet differs slightly from that on the lectotype)
scientific name
8 August 2005
26 August 2022